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when they got in the plane raven and
Starfire stat together cy and Robin sat next to each other and BB sat behind star and and raven. He sat by himself his luggage was in the other seat passengers plz buckle your seat belts and enjoy your ride
all the titans buckle their seat belts and relaxed
CYBORG: aww man I can't not wait to get to cooco beach
ROBIN: .....
CYBORG: u OK dude, u haven't been talking a lot
ROBIN: cy I'm..... I'm ...fine
CYBORG:dude u r not fine u were pause through your words u can tell me man
ROBIN: u promise not to tell any1!!!!??!?!?!?!?!???!?
CYBORG: DUDE...I promise I won't tell any1
ROBIN:OK well I like no .....I LOVE Starfire but I don't know if she loves me back and I don't know how to tell her
CYBORG: DUDE r u SERIOUS of COURSE she likes u I can't believe u haven't notice it all the other titans noticed it the way she looks at u the way u react when she is gone or hurt u two blush at each other...and... he was cut off by Robin
ROBIN: OK I HAD it that obvious
CYBORG: uh yeah of course did u not hear when I said that the WHOLE titans know (not the other titans like titans east only raven ,bb and cy know )
ROBIN: I really need help man
CYBORG: LOOK just tell her how u feel just start off with asking her do u want to go on a walk to the beach or a restaurant or something and pick the moment to tell her or maybe u can just ask her when then rest of the titans ( BB. rea.,cy) isn't at the hotel and ask
ROBIN: thanks man I'll try
CYBORG: no prob man
STAR:friend raven I was doing of the thinking and I have the lobe feeling towards friend robin I am afraid that might not have the same feelings to me
RAVEN:star come on he totally likes u I can't believe u haven't noticed it just find the perfect moment and time and tell him how u feel
STAR: o thank u friend raven !!!! do u have the secret of the crush
RAVEN: ummmm.... she glance quick at beastboy she didn't really want to tell star she didn't know if she could trust her yet no I don't like any1
STAR: o it is the OK u will find the love of your dreams
RAVEN:thanks star

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