Chapter three

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The queen had completely accepted the idea of mounting the warrior. Her plan was simple. The guard was not to leave her side, ever. Well, not ever, but at least until Regina could fulfill her carnal desires.

The task was mostly completed. Astrid followed Regina everywhere. And so did Regina in turn. The queen went to do paperwork, Astrid was there watching over the door for any unwelcome guests.

The guard went to train, Regina stood idly by, watching every swing and clash of the sword. The tension only seemed to grow between the two, there was never a dull moment.

Passing glances, blushes from the warrior, and sly smirks for the queen. But there was one problem. The warrior. With every passing moment Astrid shared with the queen, she became anxious.

And flashes of pivoting into the queen with reckless abandon weren't helping. The more Regina looked at her, the more she began to sweat. The guard's face was permanently flushed and her appendage hard as stone.

The queen got bolder by the hour. Brushing up against the warrior and muttering flirty suggestions, just loud enough for Astrid to hear. All while the guard got more anxious. The usually proud and bold girl, seemed to hide in her metaphorical shell. Curling up into a ball of nerves and lust.

Astrid and Regina were back in the queen's office, the queen incased with paperwork, but not enough to distract her for her true mission. While the warrior stood by the door focused on something different entirely.

Astrid slowly turned in a haze, she had a question for the queen. To our warrior's surprise, the queen was already looking at her. Her dark brown eyes peering at the girl behind her beautiful long eyelashes. The way the queen looked at her made Astrid almost feral.

But still the now meek guard pressed on needing an answer. "Forgive me my queen, but where will I be sleeping tonight?" The way 'Arthur' said 'my queen' made her feral in the same fashion. Of course people around her kingdom called her that but the way he said it made her clit tingle.

The rough but sweet image of the guard on top of her, sucking her nipple and thrusting into her. This time the thought was so vivid the queen could truly feel it.  The warriors warm tongue rapped around her dark nipple, a hot streak of saliva dripping into the crack between her breasts.

And the stroking, god the stroking. She could feel the warrior's cock invading her, hitting places she didn't even know existed. A moan fell from the queen's lips. "My queen." Arthur moaned as well, his thrusts speeding up and getting addictingly sloppy.

"My queen." The guard's moans turn to whimpers. Regina doesn't respond lost completely to the lustful act. The queen's mouth lay open drooling slightly, and grunting softly a sign she hadn't passed out yet.

They were both reaching their climax, the scent of sex heavy in the air, soft wet sounds could be heard coming from between their thighs. Regina finally regained some thought, pulling Arthur into a ground shaking kiss. Their mouths moved in an aggressive display of teeth, tongue, and spit.

Soon they both broke apart, needing to breathe. Breathes mixed with moans meant more heavy breathing. "My queen...m-" Arthur's breath hitched, his thrusts sputtered before speeding to a staggering pace. A pace the queen couldn't keep up with.

He drilled reaching his max, the queen not far behind. Filling the queen, Regina could feel herself overflow. Just as she was about to cum the dream started to fade. The queen reached out in an attempt to hold onto the sweat covered warrior.

"My queen? Your majesty!" The sweat lustful warrior replaced with a nervous one. "Your majesty, are you okay? You're shaking." Astrid was confused, the queen sat in her expensive office chair while being overwhelmed with pleasure.

A puddle seeping in her underwear, something she was happy Arthur couldn't see. Regina's face red and her chest rising sporadically, taking a deep breath to center herself. Finally capable of answering the queen muttered a heavy. "You'll be sleeping with me."

A wicked smirk appeared on our lust filled queen, the warrior had no clue how true that statement would be.


Hey guy's.

Did you enjoy?

How do you feel about the slight smut? Is it any good?

I apologize for any spelling errors. And for how short this is, school sucks.

See you later :)

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