Chapter 11 : Engagement Preparations...

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Third Person's P.O.V

•Kim Mansion•
4 Days Later..

"Eomma these are the jewelleries i selected to give Taehyung's groom..How's it?" Mrs.Kim Soomin asked while waking inside Mrs.Kim Ha-Yun's room with tons of jwellery boxes on her hand

As the date of engagement nears the pressure of arrangements also increased.. Being one of the richest peoples present on earth at that time, an ordinary ceremony can't be their style..So the preparations started right after the date fixing from both sides..

Whatever will be given to the groom and his family will be decided by the women's of the family that is Mrs.Kim Ha-Yun and Soomin..So as ordered by Mrs.Kim Ha-Yun, Mrs.Kim Soomin selected all the jewelleries which they will give to Taehyung's groom on the engagement..It was the rituals with the engagement ring the groom family will give some jwellery to the bride..The same thing happened with Jin and Jimin at their wedding..Mrs.Kim Soomin, their mother-in-law was the one who selected the jwellery according to her choice..

It was after all the men left to work.. Mrs Kim Soomin came to Mrs.Kim Ha-Yun's room to show her the jewelleries...

"It's good but wait let me give you something it will enhance this jewelleries."
Mrs.Kim Ha-Yun got up and went to her closet, after few minutes she came back with a very old box..Mrs.Kim Soo-Min got confuse seeing such old box, it was in good shape not a single ounce of dust or rust...It was like the box was handled with care and was preserved safely...Mrs.Kim Ha-Yun kept the box beside the jewelleries selected by Mrs.Kim Soo-Min...

The Jwellery Box

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The Jwellery Box

"Eomma, isn't this very old?"

Mrs.Kim Ha-Yun chuckled and opened the old looking box...Mrs.Kim Soomin widen his eyes looking at sacred accessories...

"This was give to me by my mother-in-law..She told me its very important and was passed on from generations..It was given to her by her mother-in-law...I had three sets of bangles which later i gave my jweller to customise it in to a chain or a bracelet...He gave me three bracelet out of it from which i gave you one, the other two were still with me..First i thought to give it to Namjoon's and Yoon-gi's spouses.. Because at that time we didn't had the idea of another baby..But God always has plans and then we were blessed with our tiger...I don't know why but it was like an unknown force and i can't make myself to give this sacred of our family to Jin..I didn't felt to disclose this to him.. Therefore i didn't bought this topic and asked you to select whatever you like to give your first son-in-law..Later i thought to give it to Jimin as he was Chae-Won's son..Maybe Because Jin was not from our own blood that is why i can't feel to give it to him..But the same thing happened, at the wedding of Yoongi i lost the key of this box and exactly after Hana and Yera i found it..Don't know why but i think its the sign given by our ancestors that this should be given to Taehyung's bride.."
Mrs.Kim Soomin just silently listened everything..She knew the love Mrs.Kim Ha-Yun had for her youngest grandson and she won't be surprised if she would be partial towards his first two son-in-law's..

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