The beginning of the end

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''let's begin,'' Hella says, and she walks towards the big kettle.

Her eyes become red, and flames erupt from under the kettle. She starts walking around the kettle and sings an incantation. ''Ignis ille ex resurgemus,'' she keeps repeating.

My stomach feels like it's about to leave my body. I have a very bad feeling about this. I look at Gabriel and catch his blue eyes looking for mine. His eyes go to my hands, and I suddenly remember the bobby pin he gave me.

I quietly start to pick the lock on my left hand.

''BRING THE BONES,'' Hella's voice thunders through the room.

2 dark humans come in with a small chest. Hella puts the bones in the kettle, ''Bone of the father.''

Red smoke emerges from the kettle now. ''Bring in the willing sacrifice,'' Hella demands.

I keep picking the lock but look at the door when I hear someone walk in. It is just a little girl. She has an empty look in her eyes and walks to the kettle.

''A willing sacrifice,'' Hella says while taking the girl in her arms.

''No stop what are you doing?'' I scream.

But it is already too late, Hella drops the girl in the kettle.

''Aaaaaaaa,'' I hear a loud scream, and then the kettle smoke turns orange. I feel horrified about the things that are happening now, but Hella is already on to the next step.

In the meantime, I still haven't gotten the stupid lock picked. Hella takes out a knife and says, ''Flesh of the bloodline,'' and then cuts off her finger and drops it in the kettle.

Hella is smiling when the kettle substance begins to boil and turns black. Then her gaze drops on me, ''Just one last ingredient needed.''

I quickly hide the bobby pin in my hand again. Hella takes a cup and walks towards me. She looks at me cruelly, ''Don't worry it will only hurt a little.'' She digs the knife into my upper leg and makes a big incision. I don't want to give her the pleasure of screaming so I bite my tongue until my whole mouth is full of blood.

''Hmm not so weak after all,'' Hella chuckles.

She puts down the cup on the throne and walks to Roan. In the meantime, I finally got the lock picked and one of my hands is free. Hella puts her hands on Roan's head.

''You have been a good loyal subject so I will spare you the pain of seeing your loved one die.'' Roan his eyes get big but then he falls to the ground with a loud thud. Hella must have made him unconscious with magic.

She walks back to the cup and shouts, ''Gabriel finish the girl, I have no use for her anymore.''

Gabriel walks to me with a cold look in his eyes and lightning starts to emerge from his hands. He fires a lightning bolt at me, and I wait for the impact. A second later I realize he fried my other handcuff and that I am free.

''WE HAVE TO STOP HER!'' Gabriel shouts and he runs towards Hella.

Hella looks at him annoyed, ''You never learn, do you? useless pet. DEMONS ATTACK.''

Demons seem to appear everywhere and start coming at us.

''Noelle go Stop Hella! I will hold them off,'' Gabriel shouts to me.

Lightning is coming from his whole body now and he strikes any demon that tries to come close. I run to Hella who is standing at the kettle with the cup in her hand.

''Ignis ille ex resurgemus,'' she sings and then smiles at me when I jump for her. I try to tackle her, but I just jump through the air and fall to the ground.

"HEHEHAHAH,'' she laughs from the other side of the kettle and continues, ''Mind tricks my dear.''

I grunt and get up and start running to her again.

''OOPSIE, too late,'' Hella chuckles and pours my blood into the kettle.

The kettle substance turns purple and explodes with a loud bang. I get launched across the room and stones fall on me. I hear a ringing sound in my ears from the explosion and try to get up. I see Roan laying at the same place where Hella left him, and Gabriel is covered in stones. He doesn't seem to move.

Hella is sitting at the kettle. ''Did it work?'' she keeps screaming. Then I hear faint drums coming from far below.

Hella jumps up from joy, ''I did it! It worked! hahaha!''

At the same moment, I feel like I am leaving my body. I start to levitate from the ground and purple light surrounds me. I can feel I am speaking but it is not my voice, ''Darkness she shall bring but also light. With the start of the dark era, our connection is restored. The last of our bloodline will be able to access all the powers of her ancestors. Beware because there will always be darkness and light.''

I slowly levitate back to the ground, but my eyes still shine purple. Hella looks at me scared for the first time. She throws bolts of fire at me, but I sweep them away with air power and a brush of my hand.

She is panting and now makes herself multiply. I hold up my hand and all the rocks start to levitate; with a swift motion, I fire them at her. All the Hella copies disappear and the real Hella gets knocked down to the floor by a stone in her belly.

I start walking towards her and she shouts in panic, ''Demon's attack.''

A dozen demons emerge and come at me. I put my hands together and then throw them to the side, a purple light erupts, and a ring of light burns all the demons. Hella starts to crawl back from fear. I command the stone to shape around her feet and trap her. She keeps throwing fire at me, but it gets weaker and weaker. I can just brush it away with air.

I am standing in front of her now looking down on her. I let purple witch fire tickle her feet and say, ''From fire and destruction you are born and to fire you shall return.''

I close my fist and the purple fire starts to burn over her whole body.

''AAAAAAA NOOO!'' Hella screams until her body is nothing but ash.

I hear the war drums become louder and louder, but the magic is starting to fade. The purple light in my eyes slowly dims out and I fall to the ground. In the doorway, I can see red light emerging and the drums are getting close.

''I guess this is the end,'' I think. But then I feel 2 strong arms lift me from the ground and walk me towards the window. I look up and see Gabriel's blue eyes look back at me. He walks to the window and wings emerge from his back. I take one last look at the cave and see a shadow with horns come into the room before we shoot into the sky.

( I cannot publish the rest of the story until I am in the paid writers program of wattpad because of contracts with other apps like radish, goodnovel, dreame etc.)

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