January 6th

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Today I don't feel like writing from today's event. But I guess I will so I can look back at this moment and say, "Why me?" Anyways, as I walked into the school, people looked at me and started giggling and whispering. What's going on? Alice came running to me with a worried look. "Hey, Rosetta..." "Hey. Um, what's going on?" I asked with worry. "Oh uh, I might've told someone your crush and they've told everybody.." She gave me a scared smile. "YOU DID WHAT?!" "Please don't get mad!" She pleaded as she sheiks herself with her arms. I sighed. "It's fine, I guess I'll have to deal with it." As I walked to class, I hid my face with my hoodie while everyone laughed. As I entered the class, I remembered that I sit next to him and gonna have to deal with him. I slowly sat down, worried he'll hate me or something. "Hi!" He said with a cheerful smile. "Hey." I was confused. Did he know and was happy about it or did nobody tell him yet. I was still afraid off him finding out. The teacher came in and that's when I forgot about what happened, I got distracted by the explosions. The rest of the day was awful though. Everyone asked me questions and said stuff behind my back. Why, just why? So I walked home with a frown. I finally reached my house and dropped everything on the floor. As I was about to get ready for bed, my phone rang. "Hello?" I said sadly. "Hi! It's me Blake. Alice gave me your number, I wanted to talk to you but you seemed sad, so I waited till after school." "Oh ok." "Are you ok?" I can tell he was worried. "Yea. I just had a ruff day that's all." I sounded awful. "Ok well I'll let you go to sleep, sound like you need it." That's what make me smile. "K. Thanks.....Bye." "Bye!" I hanged up. Fell on my bed saying, "Why, why me?" I fell asleep there, thinking, with tears in my eyes. Why me?

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