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Bellatrix and Narcissa were now entering the room, settling into their place behind me. The dark lord continued to speak. "As part of my deal with Bellatrix, I will allow it on the condition you join me and receive your mark. A small price to pay for the happiness I am allowing you and the Black sisters to have."

I wanted to scream at him, he didn't create this happiness. We created it for ourselves. My happiness and my decisions should not have to be run by other people. I should be able to determine my own fate and make decisions for myself. This was completely barbaric. But I didn't have a choice. In this moment I had to submit, put on a convincing show for the dark lord. I just had to give a believable performance.

"Thank you dark lord" I gave a little bow of my head. Adding pizzaz as I like to think of it. "Good, now step forward and receive your mark." His voice was a harsh whisper as it always was. This added to the creepy nature of his being. Not having a nose added most of this factor.

I stepped forward until I was right in front of him. A shiver tried to fight its way through my body but I pushed it down. I had to be strong. I had to pretend to be on his side. In reality I wasn't on anyone's side. I tried to stay out of the fight as much as I could. Things weren't the most righteous on anyone's side. Harry Potter was hyped up more than he should be but he was just a child who didn't need some old man without a nose trying to kill him every year.

"Hold out your left arm." He spoke. I looked back at Narcissa and Bellatrix who weren't far behind me. I looked for the validation written on their faces like a novel giving me nothing but reasons to go forward with this choice.

I gingerly held out my left arm letting it be grabbed by the dark lord. His nails were digging into my skin but I dared not say a word. I had to walk on eggshells and bury my personality.

Without warning the pain of a thousand knives pierced my forearm. it felt as if I was being repeatedly stabbed but there was nothing there except the mark that was creeping its way onto my skin.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. This was the last thing I would have ever wanted. But I had to remember the reason I was doing it.

I was doing this to stay with Narcissa and Bellatrix, I was doing this to stay complete.

"Welcome young death eater." Voldemort cheered, a hideous smile upon his face. He made me sick, but I would do this all over again if it meant staying with those two beautiful women. Maybe being a death eater isn't as bad as it seems.

He let go of me and I went back to where Bellatrix and Narcissa were standing. Immediately they put their arms around my waist. Giving me that small amount of comfort I needed to stay in the room. To remind me what I was fighting for.

"You will need to be trained." He started. I could feel their grip on my waist tighten. "Bellatrix I trust you will be able to train y/n. Your first task will be going with Bellatrix and Lucius to get the prophesy.". Bella seemed unsettled by his words.

"My lord, that mission is in less than a week." She seemed scared. I don't know which scared her more, me going on a mission or her talking back to the dark lord.

"Looks like you are going to need to start training immediately then. She will go on that mission and that is final."

A cold breeze swept through the room as his emotions became more unbalanced. If I wasn't startled before I was now as Nagini made her way towards me, slithering on the ground looking me in the eyes.

I wanted I wanted her to back off. All I could feel was the dark magic within her. "Please go back to your master." I spoke to her and she listened. But everyone else in the room froze. it was as if I had done something unexpected.

"Y/n What did you say?" Narcissa looked at me, fear in her eyes. I couldn't tell what she was afraid of. Was it me?

"She said for Nagini to come back to me, dear Narcissa." I was so confused as to why everyone was making a big deal out of this. I had just told the snake to leave me alone basically. It's not that big of a deal.

"What's the problem? Did I do something wrong?" I asked while looking around the room for answers. "You can speak Parseltongue? I thought only the dark lord could do that." Bellatrix's voice entered my thoughts. It became apparent what I did. "I spoke Parseltongue?" I asked out loud.

It was my turn to be afraid. Only dark wizards have been recorded to speak Parseltongue. Did that mean I was a dark wizard. I had so many questions.

"You intrigue me y/n. I made the right decision in recruiting you." He told me. Nagini nodded her little snake head in agreement. She creeped me out but that was pretty cute. "Thank you Dark Lord." I spoke in order to keep up the act.

"Now go, I sense you have a lot of training that needs to be done. Bellatrix when you are done each day you will give me a full report on how our new member is doing. Is that understood?" His eye contact switched from me to Bella.

"Yes my lord." she answered with a slight bow.

We all turned to leave the room, the same question on all of our minds. What had just happened. There was no explanation I could think of but one thing was certain. That was not normal.

The love of Two (Naricissa, Bellatrix x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now