Unable To Wed

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"Nita he's here!" A boy shouts from outside the hut as Alexis and Nita are inside.

"Man that's a lot of people with him." Alexis says as she and Nita look outside to see Atka with a lot of people.

"He must have brought his entire village with him." Nita says.

"Well my sweet this marriage is extremely important." A woman says inside the hut.

"That's why we came to help you get ready. So your little sister needs to go outside for the time being." The other woman says.

"Hey!" Alexis says in protest as she gets shoved out of the hut before shaking her head and walking off.


"You look beautiful Nita." Alexis says as people are gathered as Nita is walking down the row with Chilkoot.

"Thanks Alexis." Nita says as she goes up to Atka with Chilkoot.

"Great spirits we come before you today to bond this man and this woman as one. We pray this pleases you." Chilkoot says before thunder rumbles and lightning hits a rock causing it to fall and make a large crack in the ground going toward Nita and Atka.

"Nita!" Alexis shouts as she runs toward Nita and jumps over the crack to her.

"The spirits are trying to tell us something." A woman says.

"It must be a sign." Another woman says.


"I don't understand. How could this happen? The villagers say it's a sign." Nita says as she and Alexis are with Innoko.

"The villagers? What the heck do they know? Do you want the advice of the villagers or a professional?" Innoko asks offended.

"Oh we definitely want a professional miss Innoko." Alexis says.

"They say that in all the tribes you are the wisest shaman." Nita says.

"Sha-woman okay? Wise and man don't even belong in the same sentence. Let's get down to business. So the ice cracked right out from under you. Sure you haven't put on a few pounds? Come on girl to girl." Innoko says as she holds out a claw staff.

"No my weight's been constant." Nita says.

"She's not kidding. I've helped her keep it under watch since last spring." Alexis says.

"Well lucky you Miss Constant Weight. Tell you what. Why don't we just ask the spirits okay? Hmm. Uh-huh. Yeah." Innoko asks as she throws something into the fire making a cloud of smoke as she begins listening to the smoke.

"What? What are they saying?" Nita asks.

"Don't interrupt. It ain't all about you. Uh-huh. They say... You can't marry Ka-ka!" Innoko says.

"Atka." Alexis and Nita say in union.

"Whatever. The point is you're already matched up Miss Two Timer." Innoko says.

"What?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"Already matched up? To whom?" Nita asks in surprise.

"To the one who gave you this. Look at that picture. That thing is crystal clear." Innoko says as the smoke shows the picture of an amulet.

"Kenai?" Nita asks.

"The bear boy?" Innoko asks.

"Oh no, no. We were just kids." Nita says.

"I've heard that one before." Innoko says in disbelief.

"Oh there has to be a way to undo this." Nita says worriedly.

"Undo it? You can't undo what's been done. It's done. Case closed. No more conversation. Ooh! There is one way. You must go and eat an ox!" Innoko says as she listens to the smoke again.

"What?" Nita asks.

"Oh wait. I'm sorry. It's the equinox! Does this place mean anything to you?" Innoko asks as the smoke reveals Hokani Falls.

"Hokani Falls? That's where Kenai gave me the amulet." Nita says.

"What does that have to do with the amulet?" Alexis asks.

"You gotta go to Hokani Falls. And on the eve of the equinox when the spirits change winter into spring you must burn the amulet and send the bond back up to the ancestors! You know you might wanna write some of this down." Innoko says as she looks at Nita.

"But that's only three days away from what you told me." Alexis says as she looks at Nita.

"I have to get going." Nita says as she gets up.

"I'm coming with you." Alexis says.

"Uh with the person who gave you the amulet." Innoko says.

"Kenai? But he's a bear." Nita says.

"Yeah? So? Your adopted sister there can turn into a wolf. What's the problem?" Innoko says.

"You know a bear?" Nita says as she makes a bear growling noise.

"Uh I know what a bear is and I suggest you go look in the woods." Innoko says.

"Well even if I find him how will I talk to him?" Nita asks.

"Hmm. How will you talk to him? Don't be afraid. It's in there." Innoko says as she throws some dust into the smoke before the smoke forms a bear head and passes into Nita.

"Uh what's in there?" Alexis asks before Nita goes to talk and sounds like an elephant.

"That ain't it. Come on try it again." Innoko says as Nita chatters like a squirrel.

"I don't think that's it Nita." Alexis says as she chuckles a bit.

"Ooh! I don't know what that was. One more time." Innoko says before Nita roars like a bear.

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