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"Are you ready for finals?" Manny asked.


My anxiety had been through the roof lately.

Having the opportunity to graduate early was a blessing but now I felt overwhelmed. If I didn't pass this final all of my hard work would have been for nothing.

If it wasn't school work, it was my personal life that had me stressed.

After receiving roses from Quenton I'd been paranoid. I changed the locks to my place, my number and made sure he wasn't on any of my visitors' lists.

"You've always done well in school, you're just antsy."

"'re right. I'm just chatting." I laughed nervously.

Manny paused for a minute, looking at me funnily.

"What?" I wondered.

"You're hiding something." He called me out.

"I'm not."I denied.

Ray and Manny have been doing frequent check-ins after the whole Quenton mess.

Jah told me to call if I needed him but I didn't want to interfere with his business. Although, I've spent the past 2 nights falling asleep on the phone with him.

I missed him so much.

"I'm talking about Q. Have you seen him?" He asked.

"No but I feel like he'll appear soon." Other than Jah, no one knew about the roses.

Being that I've always confided in those close to me, I decided not to burden them anymore.

Jabri had also expressed to me that telling personal business wasn't in the best interest of our relationship.

And I'm sure everyone was tired of consoling me for crying over the end of Quenton and I's friendship.

Sure, I could no longer speak to him but, that wouldn't make everything disappear. We've been attached since kids so letting go was harder than everyone thought.

However part of me felt wrong for not wishing death on him. What he did was evil and he deserved all that was coming his way.

But witnessing his murder was something my soul could not handle.

"Helloooo, earth to Sarai'!" Manny snapped in my face, bringing me back to the present.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Nothing important." He shrugged.

"I'm fine."

"Did I tell you that I was taking Jabri on a surprise trip for Valentine's Day?" I changed the subject.

THE HARLEM WAY:FINAL CHAPTERSWhere stories live. Discover now