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Voices. Pain. Was the first thing the girl felt and heard. She felt a pain in her head. A headache? Her first thought after she registered the voices and pain was, 'Where am I?' She couldn't understand the voices, they sounded distorted, maybe it was the fact she wasn't fully awake.  

The girl moved and caused the chains around her wrists to jingle and echo around the room. The voices then stopped. The girl peeled her eyes opened and looked around the room. She was in a small square room made of concrete. 

In front of her were two people, a man and a woman. They were both dressed in white clothes and the woman had weird glasses on. She also noted a younger man running out of the room.  The chains that caused the people to stop talking were restraining her wrists and holding them above her head. 

The woman approached the girl first. She squatted down and rocked on her heels. "Hello." The woman greeted. 

"Hi..." The younger said, much quieter that the woman. 

"Do you remember who you are?" 

The girl thought. Who was she? She... couldn't remember. "No, I don't." 

The man had been sitting in the back, watching the whole interaction. He stepped forward and waved the woman back. The girl liked that did that, the womans piercing gaze was making her uncomfortable. The man sat in front of her and smiled. It seemed friendly. She smiled back, hesitantly.  

"Hello. I'm Steven and that is Catherine." He pointed towards the woman. "Your name is Elizabeth and your 15 years old. We found you in a burning building along with someone else two weeks ago. We found out from your friend that you had started the fire. You have been in a coma since then and we did find out that your head had been smashed against the wall. That did cause memory loss and probably a mild headache." Steven told me. "But the thing is, you're not human. And neither is your friend. You're a rare species called Vampires."

She had started the fire? Why couldn't she remember that? Who was this friend? 

"Your burns and wounds healed within hours, same with your friend. But I knew that the brain injury would cause memory problems. " Steven said. 

Why would she do something like that? 

Steven stood up and pulled out a small key. He unlocked her chains and helped her stand up. He brought her over to a small mirror. When she looked into the mirror, she saw someone she didn't know. Then it struck her, this was her.

Elizabeth had long flowing hair, two different colors. Most of it was black but she had a single brown highlight. Then her eyes met through the mirror, they were a deep blood red color. Her unnatural eyes then flicked down to the outfit she was wearing. It was all white with black boots. Elizabeth then noticed a ankle monitor thing. Someone wanted to know where she was all the time. Elizabeths eyes darted over her appearance one more time and noticed two little scar dots on her neck, bite marks. 

Elizabeth looked over to the door the younger male had ran through minutes before. She heard a noise. It was angry screaming and growling mixed in with panicked screaming. Elizabeth glanced at Steven and Catherine. They didn't seem to hear the noises. Enhanced hearing. 

Elizabeth spun on heel and looked at Steven. "So what do Vampires eat?" She was feeling a bit hungry and didn't know what Vampires ate. 

Steven's smile faltered a little bit. "They drink blood." He snapped his fingers and Catherine pulled out an IV bag of blood. Catherine handed her the bag and backed away quickly as if she almost touched poison. 

Was she scared? Did I do something? 

Elizabeth blinked, opened the bag and took a sip. Her nose wrinkled and she swallowed the little bit of blood she drank. It was disgusting. She handed the bag back to Steven. His smile fell. 

"What's wrong with it?" He sounded worried.

"It's bitter. I don't like it." As if to prove her point she stuck her tongue out. 

Steven took the bag from as the noises grew louder, loud enough for Steven and Catherine to hear. Catherine heard the vicious noises coming from the hall and took many steps back from Elizabeth and Steven.  

"He's here." Steven said with a grim face. 

The door flew open, and three men walked in. They were containing a fourth man. The fourth man was taller and clearly stronger than the other three, but he was being contained with thick chains. The man was growling and snarling, he was enraged that these people thought they could drag him around wherever they pleased. 

His eyes landed on Elizabeth, and he instantly stopped fighting. The men stopped dragging him, quickly unlocked his chains and bolted out the door, slamming it behind them. None of this fazed the taller man as his eyes remained on Elizabeth. 

He began walking over to Elizabeth, eyes, the same color as hers, never leaving her. Steven and Catherine seemed to know not to mess with them at the moment. He stopped right in front of her. His hand rested on her cheek as he gazed into her eyes. His other hand traced the bite mark scar on her neck and Elizabeth noticed he had a matching one. 

"My Elizabeth." He spoke softly, his words only for her. 

"Leo." She spoke the name at the same volume as he did. 

Leo's eyes lit up when she spoke his name. "You remember?" 

Elizabeth shook her head in frustration. She couldn't remember anything. "No. I only remember your name." She paused. "And that you were someone special." 

He finally pulled her into his arms, his hands resting on her waist. Elizabeth felt an overwhelming sense of security, being with him. 

"Why do you care? I tried to kill us." Elizabeth whispered, her voice falling victim to horror at the last couple words. 

"I care because I love you." Leo was never one to confess his feelings, but his Love was scared and confused.

Elizabeth rested her head on his chest, and he rested his head on her head. "I'll never let you go. You'll never get hurt. Not anymore." Leo pulled away and took her hands in his. Leo then bented down to her size and turned his head to the side, completely exposing his neck. 

She knew what to do. Elizabeth put one hand on his neck and the other on his shoulder and bit down. Her mouth flooded with a sweet taste that completely threw the bad blood out. This was a sweetness she would never get from anyone else. Ever. 


haha another story... 


1134 words

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