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"Oww! Stop!"
"Just relax will you."
"But it hurts."

"It won't if you stop tensing your muscles."
Pedri grumbled, digging his fingers painfully further into the younger boy's soft skin ,attempting to soothe the bruised area with healing ointment.

Gavi kicked him-and then promptly yelped as the action had again triggered the boy's pain. God, what was pedri's problem lately? It was as if the taller boy was getting sick of him day by day. It hurt.
Whenever Gavi attempted to bring up what was wrong, his boyfriend merely brushed him off.
He also got less affectionate for the past week not even sleeping over anymore and even asking coach for separate rooms during the recent away game.

Pedri scowled darkly-yanking the boy's leg. "Don't piss me off today midget," he snapped.
The feeling of hurt grew heavier in Gavi's chest as he watched Pedri's eyes harden. What had he done?

"Sorry," he sulkily mumbled.
Gavi moistened his lips with his tongue, unsure of what else to say. Reaching up, he softly connected their lips plunging his tongue into his boyfriend's addicting mouth attempting to lessen the tense awkward atmosphere.
Pedri clicked his tongue ripping away.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Pedri bit out, the crease in between his eyebrows deepening enough to create wrinkles.
Fuck this,I've had enough. Gavi bitterly thought.
"What? I can't even kiss my own boyfriend now?", he spat out. He could feel his face flushing with the mix of embarrassment of being rejected once again and anger coursing through him.
He could see the noticeable tick in Pedri's jaw. Without hesitation, he primarily poked the slight stubble on his jaw and said "I don't know why your getting angry when im the one supposed to be the one ticked off."
"Dont touch me," the older boy finally got out, moving completely off gavi with his muscles rigid and grimacing as if disgusted from his boyfriend's touch.
Oh. He doesn't want me that way either now....

As if reading Gavi's thoughts, "if you want to have sex so bad, why don't you go to blondie Leanor yeah," he said eyebrows raised, reflecting the frustration on his handsome profile.
"Heh," Gavi said, his face contorted up in confusion. He stood up primarily taken aback by how close their face were to each other, breaths mingling reminding Gavi of the countless time Pedri would constantly touch him ,kiss him , mark him and bury himself inside Gavi.
"Are you jealous, my pedri?" He whispered in a low soft voice, a childish grin slowly building up on his face.

Pretty.Pedri thought.

Gavi placed a hand on the back of his lover's head softly lacing his fingers through the brunette locks. Pedri resisted humming in contentment and roughly shoved him away nearly regretting it as he witnessed a sheen of tears flash over Gavi's eyes.

I need to leave. I can't see this. Pedri instinctively thought.

"Don't fucking push me!" The younger boy sobbed out as shock overtook him and he childishly retaliated back by weakly punching Pedri against his chest. Any stranger would think Gavi looks stupid, him stood in a simple sweater and boxers causing his legs to shiver from the cold hitting his bare legs. A tube of ointment now completely forgotten about as some of it spilled out on the crisp white bedsheets.

Their eyes clashed and locked. Pedri's eyes blazing as if blocking as much emotion as possible.

"Stop being such a brat for once will you? Just because i don't want to have sex for one night does not mean you have to cry like a little baby," Pedri snapped out.
"I didn't even say anything about that," Gavi whimpered out.
"You know what FUCK YOU. You don't even know what im crying about so stop making assumptions. And lastly sex was shit with you anyway," he aggressively gritted out knowing damn well that last sentence was bullshit.

Maybe now he'll feel the hurt. Gavi bitterly thought, as silent tears now rolled down.

Pedri's eyes shifted to the hickeys littered and cunningly smirked.
"Aaah pedri you feel so good in me.fuck i love you so much. Harder.faster. Aaaah," pedri said attempting to imitate Gavi in a overly high pitched voice.

Gavi opened his mouth and closed it soundlessly, a red blush coming across his face which the taller boy chuckled upon seeing.
Hearing the sound caused Gavi to immediately gush out more tears as painful sob's wracked throughout his body. He was finally having a breakdown from the constant abrupt neglect of his long term boyfriend.

Shit. I didn't want him to be this sad. Ok abort plan. Pedri thought.
Pedri's mouth formed an 'o' motion as the regret rushed through him.
"Shit. Im sorry baby." He said his voice softening, immediately cradling the boy tightly against his chest and shoving his teary face in the crook of his neck.
"Sorry sorry sorry," he muttered over over again repeatedly kissing the side of Gavi's head feeling like ek complete shit for causing his lover this much pain.
Gosh what was i thinking? Im never following out my teammates plan ever again. Jesus. How dumb could i be? Pedri bitterly thought
"Fuck you. Your so mean. No, dont touch me, " Gavi sniffled out , weakly attempting to pull away from his boyfriend's chest.
"Mooooveee," he groaned out
"So now you want to touch me?" Gavi said looking up with bleary eyes up to the taller boy looking like a kicked puppy. Pedri gently wiped the tears away coaxing him to calm down , softly littering kisses across his entire pretty face.
"Ill explain everything after you calm down. Promise." pedri said.
Gritting his teeth in frustration,he buried his face in Gavi's hair inhaling the soft homely scent of vanilla. He took it in greedily. possessively. Pedri placed his hands on the back of Gavi's thighs, effectively pushing him closer and warming him up by transferring body heat.
"Get out"
"No," pedri said smacking the brats ass.
"Tch. This isn't over," Gavi gritted out.

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