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Everyone knows about the legends told about a certain derelict mansion, sitting atop a hill far away from town. Despite all these legends, though, nobody really knew anything about the mansion's past, nor what went on inside the tattered walls...

Most were not brave enough to want to find out. However, one particular male, with his greyish blue hair and staggeringly chocolate brown eyes, was an exception. Ever since he was a child, he had been interested in one thing and one thing only:


As a child, he was always enveloped in scary stories, researching unexplained occurrences, and often made visits to haunted houses so he could explore them, just like the very mansion looming over his town. Many other children made fun of him for this, calling him things such as "fear freak" or "horror lover". Yet he never cared. Nothing stopped his love for horror, and it still continued to this day.

His name was Bob. Sure, it was a simple name, but Bob liked things simple. As long as he had an easy way into and out of things, he would go for it. And if there wasn't one? He would just make one himself, like the stubborn guy he was.

The car he was driving eventually parked itself onto a gravel path near the mansion. Bob stepped out of the car, yet as he was about to climb the mansions hill, he noticed a pair of headlights in the corner of his eye.

Turning his head towards the lights, Bob saw a second car parking next to his and an orange-haired make stepping out. The moment the male turned toward Bob, he seemed to gain a nervous look.

"O-OH! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't realize that I wasn't here alone! I-I can explore this place another time, I- I-"

"You're fine." Bob found himself blurting out those words. He didn't even know why, usually he would just agree with someone and they'd be on their way. Yet..this time, Bob didn't. Looking at the male more closely, he studied his features. He had green eyes that were trying to avoid eye contact, he wore thin, round, black glasses, and he had a lanky build, compared to Bob's shorter and slightly chubby build.

The male eventually spoke again. " name is- is Bosip! I'm a fan of all things relating to the horror genre, both fiction and nonfiction! It's- It's nice to meet you..!" It seemed as if he was forcing the introduction out, but that wasn't Bob's concern. Bob's concern was Bosip's interests.

" said you like horror?" The blue haired male tilted his head in interest, and Bosip's eyes seemed to light up. Right away, he began to ramble about how he was practically obsessed with horror, to the point that some of his teachers would get concerned in his school days.

Bosip was also a lot more..complex than Bob, even going down to his short, yet still very odd name. Maybe he wasn't from here. Bosip always did things his own way, thinking outside the box and doing unorthodox things simply because he wanted to. It was his way of living, his way of getting by.

Bosip was a shy, nerdy kid, while Bob was a quiet kid. Yet both of them shared similar pasts. They loved horror so much that others would call them out for it, and they became outcasts in their societies. Meeting someone so similar to you, yet so was kind of confusing, but at the same time fascinating.

After a bit of silence, the two started to climb the hill leading to the mansion. Bosip wanted to start some sort of conversation, but with Bob's almost threatening appearance, Bosip couldn't help but shy away. Everyone was threatening to him, really, but Bob..? Bob looked tough. He looked like he could beat Bosip up if he wanted. The silence continued, creeping into the pairs ears like some kind of worm.

Due to this, it was Bob who had to break the awkward silence that was almost starting to crush him, figuratively. He turned his head to Bosip, and tilted his head to the side as he spoke. "You don't seem like the type of guy to like this kind of stuff.."

"W-Well- y-you don't, either!" Bosip suddenly got defensive, but realized his mistake and calmed down. "I'm sorry- I used to lash out at people when they talk about my hobbies..I still sometimes do."


The two eventually made it to the top of the hill, and by turn, the mansion's entrance. It was looming over them as if it were ready to scare them away and send them running to wherever, but the two stayed put. Bob looked over at Bosip, who, oddly enough, was starting to tremble. It was almost as if he had never been to a haunted mansion before.

"Dude. You good?"

"ohgodwhatifwediehere- AH-! Uhm- I'm fine! I'm fine! Let's just- Let's just hurry on in, shall we??"

"..okay then, if 'ya say so...weirdo."


Word Count: 852

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