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The two males pushed open the large wooden door of the mansion, and stepped inside to reveal its stone interior. They were in an entrance hall of some kind, although it was particularly bland, only being occupied by a red carpet and two sets of stairs leading to a balcony. There was also a table in the middle of the stairs, behind the carpet, but Bob and Bosip didn't find anything of interest on it. They were about to give up investigating the room, but...

Bosip suddenly felt...cold. Very cold. As if something abnormal was causing the chills he was feeling. Bosip instantly knew what was happening, and sprinted over to Bob, clinging to him as he cowered in fear. Bob looked at the orange-haired male in surprise, caught off guard by him.

"Woah, dude...hey, if you don't wanna be here, that's fine."

"N-No..I-I wanna be here, I really do! I-It's just- It's just that-"

A laugh suddenly echoed throughout the room. The pair knew the laugh belonged to neither of them, as the laugh seemed to belong to a feminine, yet androgynous voice. Bob looked around somewhat frantically, until his attention settled above the carpet, just beyond the balcony.

He never thought he'd see one in real life. People always thought they weren't real, but Bob knew they were. However, seeing one this close to you, seeing one at all, made Bob step back a bit.

Bosip eventually stopped cowarding and looked behind him, to where Bob was looking. His skin went pale and he screamed. Sure, he loved horror, but this...he absolutely hated these. He wanted to scream, to scream and run away, but he couldn't. He had a task to stick to.

So all he could do was just scream.


Bob covered his ears and shut his eyes tight at Bosip's terrified scream, but even then he could hear the ghost laughing their ass off. They found Bosip's fear so amusing, so funny! Bob slowly uncovered his ears and opened his eyes again, looking over at the ghost.

"..what the fuck is your problem??"

"AHAHAHAHAHAH...HAHA..hahah..hhaaaah...I'm so sorry, that was just so funny! Seeing someone who voluntarily walked in here getting scared by me of all things is just so fucking unimaginable, I can't help but laugh!" They continued to laugh, quite loudly, too. Bob rolled his eyes, before shoving Bosip off of him and crossing his arms.

"Alright, enough. Who even are you? Why are you here?"

"Haha, actual name isn't important, but call me Fearfel. That is, if I ever decide to show up in front of you two bastards again.."

"..Fearfel? Don't you mean Fearful?"

Fearfel stared at Bob and Bosip with a face that could only be described as "blank". Despite the blankness, it carried a sense of dread. The ghost was not happy with Bob's response to their introduction.

Bosip took off his glasses briefly to wipe his eyes of the tears starting to form in them. Putting his glasses back in, he sniffled, looking up at the ghost. The entirety of their features were a red-pink color, except for their face, which looked like a simple black smile with oval eyes. Their hair was long, and their body looked bony and lightweight, if it were to have any weight at all. It was a ghost, for crying out loud.

"..e-erm...w-we're sorryyy..." That was all Bosip could sputter out. The sheer presence of Fearfel was shaking him to his core. He wanted them to just leave.

"Eh, whatever. Anyways!"

The sound of metal clanging against itself was heard. Bob and Bosip turned towards the door, now noticing it had been barricaded with giant metal chains. The two were trapped inside. Sure, they wanted to come here, but they still wanted to get out eventually. Bosip felt himself tearing up again. Bob scoffed. This was gonna be a long night, wasn't it?

"Now, then. Can you two make it through the one thousand rooms in this mansion? If you can, you can escape, but if not..." Fearful giggled. They were enjoying this.

Bob and Bosip were in disbelief. Bob knew that the mansion didn't look like it had so many rooms from the outside. What was this place hiding? Bosip was focused on the fact that one thousand rooms was..a LOT of rooms. How would he and Bob get out of this place? Would they be trapped here forever?

As to my looked back at Fearfel, they laughed, before flying up into the ceiling and disappearing from the pair's sight. The two then looked at eachother, their expressions differing extremely. Bob's showed slight concern and annoyance, and Bosip's showed pure terror.

"We're fucked, aren't we?" Bob said to Bosip.

"...I guess.." Bosip replied, now having calmed down slightly due to Fearfel's absence. "B-But anyway! We need to keep going! C'mon!-"

Bosip grabbed Bob's wrist, and charged up one of the sets of stairs to the balcony. In the upper floor resided a single door, just waiting to be opened. Bosip took a deep breath, before charging through that as well.

Getting through one thousand rooms was going to be a pain.

Word Count: 878

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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