- Under The Tree -

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It was late afternoon, we had just finished a contest and Four seemed tired. I'm not that surprised, he hasn't been sleeping well lately. I wanted to spend some time with him while I could, so I went to tell him something.

I got to his room and I was surprised to see that he was sleeping. Sleeping at this time? He must be really sleep deprived. "Four? Four!" I woke him up and he definitely was not happy about that. "Ughhh.. what..?" He asked sleepily, holding his head as he sat up
"Get ready, we're gonna go somewhere!" I told him as I walked back to the living room.

I wasn't looking at him, but I know that he was definitely confused. It had only took him a few minutes to get ready and just like that, we were out the door.

We arrived at the blossom tree, it was a nice setting and was relaxing for both of us. Four seemed a bit nervous doing everything, it was a bit odd but I just left it. Being with him makes me feel happy, but that's not how I'd describe it. He makes me more than happy! A friend that I can trust, appreciate, support through everything and stay with forever, but that doesn't really sound like a friend..

Four's POV
It was nice of him to choose the blossom tree as a little hang out area, I used to love sitting under this tree. It's almost like X is the only one who really knows me, everyone else just knows the basic things about me. I didn't just want to sit here in silence, so I asked him a question.

"Hey, X? Why do you like arts and crafts so much?" I wanted to know the answer to this more than anything at the moment, he'd been making a mess of the house because of it. "Oh! It's just a fun activity to do, you should try it with me some time," he smiled. I did like the sound of that, doing something fun with X. I stared at the grass and smiled, I felt my face heat up slightly. "Four? Are you okay?" X asked me, it caught me off guard and I jumped when he spoke
"U-Uh, yeah! I'm fine.." I tried to make it sound convincing, and probably failed.

Being here with X made me happy, it made me feel appreciated. He cares enough to do things with me. The sky was turning a pinkish red colour, the sun just over the horizon. "Woah! Look at the sky, Four! Isn't it pretty?" X jumped up to his feet and admired the view
"Hehe, yeah.. it is," I smiled at how excited he was getting over the sky. These feelings I felt whenever I'm with him, they're not normal feelings. I know they aren't.

"We should get back.. I'm pretty tired," I yawned, X looked back at me smiling.
"Yeah, maybe we should," his smile turned from a happy to a sad one, I hope he wasn't upset.. I'd hate that. When we arrived home, I headed straight for my room. "Good night, Four!" X called out
"Yeah, you too.." I said back to him. I sat on my bed, thinking deeply about today. These feelings when I'm with X, they're indescribable. They're abnormal to me. Even so, I just hope X and I can remain friends forever..

But what if we could be more than just friends..?
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