- Pancakes! -

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Four's POV
This morning was just like every other morning: I woke up, brushed my teeth and got a drink. X was still asleep, though I'm not surprised about that. It was 7:30 in the morning, and X isn't the type to wake up early. As everyone does in the morning, I was getting pretty hungry, but I didn't want this to be a boring morning like every other.

I walked upstairs to go wake up X, even though he wouldn't be happy about it. I slammed the door open, and woke him up. "X! I've decided that we're gonna make this morning.. uh.. not boring!" I exclaimed. X just stared at me with a tired look before simply saying 'Okay' and got up.

I waited downstairs, it only took 5 minutes or so. "So, what are we doing?" X asked
"Well.. we have pancake ingredients, right? Why don't we make some?" I told him. He looked at me with a huge smile, I knew he'd love it!

"Yes!! Pancakes are my favourite!" I exclaimed, they're always so tasty when Four makes them. I'm not sure why, though. "Great! Lemme just get the stuff," Four said. He got out all the stuff, and gave me a list. "Okay, just read out everything on that list one by one and I'll check if I got it, okay?"
"Okay! Uhh.. 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour,"
"3 ½ teaspoons baking powder,"
"1 tablespoon white sugar,"
"Where is it.. oh, yep!"
"¼ teaspoon salt,"
"I think that's here.. I dunno, I'll check later,"
"1 ¼ cups milk,"
"Oh, I forgot that one," Four quickly grabbed the milk and cups.
"3 tablespoons butter, melted,"
"All good, we can melt it later,"
"Anddd.. 1 egg,"
"Alrighty! Looks like we got everything," he said as he placed his hands on his hips. He snapped his fingers, and we had aprons on all of a sudden. "Wait.. you're letting me help?!" I asked excitedly
"Of course! Even though I always keep the way I make pancakes a secret," Four told me. He was finally showing me how to do it! I couldn't wait.

After making the silly pancakes..

Four's POV
I stared at the plates of pancakes. "Maybe we made a bit too many.." I said worriedly, there were hundreds of them stack on top of each other. "Well.. why don't we share with the contestants? They like pancakes, right?" X suggested. He was right! "And we'll use the left over pancakes for Cake At Stake!" I added. I grabbed a few plates of pancakes, and so did X. Soon enough, we were off!

"Ruby!" I shouted to her
"Huh? Oh, hi Four!! Do you need something?" She asked me. I stopped in front of her and placed the pancakes in her hands. "(Gasp), is this for me?!" Ruby questioned
"Yep!" I said, before leaving with X to find the next contestant.

It didn't take long to find the next contestant, or should I say contestants. We had found Free Food chilling out with each other not too far from Ruby. "Hey X! How about we give Free Food some free food?" I whispered to him, giving me a nod as a reply. "Hey! Four's here!" Foldy announced, making everyone turn to look at us. "Greetings, Free Food! X and I made some pancakes, and are currently sharing them with anyone we can find. How would you guys like some free pancakes?" I told them, Eraser immediately ran over to us. He seemed like he wanted them. "I want some free food!" He exclaimed, X handed him a plate of pancakes as I gave everyone else some. "Four, we should get going!" X was getting impatient, so we left.

Time Skip - Early Evening

It was nice to spend all that time with Four, he seemed like he enjoyed it too. We were just chilling out on a hill, under the stars and the moon. "So X.. what was your favourite part of today?" Four asked me. I thought for a moment, I liked everything about today, it wasn't basic or boring as it usually is.. but I had to pick something. "Hmm... I guess I liked when we played that board game earlier! Even though I lost.." I admitted, I wasn't the best at board games, honestly. "Wanna know my favourite part?" He asked
"It was being with you, getting to spend time with you. We don't usually do this kind of stuff, do we..?" Four said, staring at the sky
"You're right, we don't do it that much.. so we should do it more often!" I suggested. Four looked at me, eyes widened. He smiled at me, and so I smiled back. "Uhm.. yeah! We should do it more often.." He said, looking away from me.

I must admit, being with Four just completes me in a way. I can't describe it, but it brings me a feeling of happiness that I rarely feel. Unexpectedly, my face started feeling just the slightest bit warm.. even though it was cold. Oh well, I just hope we can do this again soon...

Four's POV
We sat there, silent. It wasn't one of those unbearable silences, though. In fact, it was quite nice, just me and X. No one else..

I know this feeling. I know what it is.. but is it really that? I look back at X, who is now admiring the stars and the shining moon. I doubt this feeling is what I think.. but...

What if it is?




little art piece <3

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This chapter is a bit short, but I hope you like it! I'm losing ideas for this, so updates may be slow from here, but you're free to give me ideas! As long as it isn't inappropriate >:[

I'll try to make the chapters longer, but they might be shortened from time to time since another BFDI/BFB/TPOT AU is being written as we speak! It is currently being drafted on paper, and I hope to include illustrations in the book. It is called 'Corrupted Reality' and I hope to release the first chapter some time this month!

That's all I wanted to say, stay safe!

What if... - A BFB 4x FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now