Villainous PartyP2

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I received a text from my friend Belle, I received an invite to a party including our whole class.

Aura: This is a great way to find out about Aaron!

I called Aaron to tell him to come to the party.
I went shopping for a dress with Belle.

Aura: What do I look better in? Is the White or black?
Belle: Are you trying to look depressed?! You look best in red!
Aura: Like this one?
Belle: ...Perfect.

I went to the cashier to pay for it but I didn't have enough money in my savings!

Aura: Sir, can I reserve this for at least 3 days?
Cashier: Yes Miss but after 3 days it will be sold to someone else.
Aura: ALRIGHT! Thank you.

I got uneasy, what if I didn't pay in time? I wouldn't have a dress for the party!

Belle: Aura? Are you alright?
Aura: We need to get a job.
Belle: WHAT?

We went back home thinking about jobs we could do.

Aura: BELLE! Let's do a lemonade stand!
Belle: Do you know how to make lemonade?
Aura: I had a lemonade contest in school so.. Yeah

I frantically searched for the ingredients.

We got a lot of sales! I had 100 dollars and we sold 50 dollars, the dress is 300, so 150 more dollars to go!

We participated in bake sales in our school!

Aura: Hello! Would you like cookies or browni- Aaron?
Aaron: Aura? What are you doing here?
Aura: I'm making money for a dress for the party.
Aaron: Aah, makes sense.
Belle: I'm still here!
Aaron: How much more do you need?
Aura: 150 more dollars.
Aaron: How about I give you 150 dollars for all of your cookies?

I stood there in shock, I could actually accept this!

Aura: Deal! But what do you need ALL these cookies for?
Aaron: 50% donating and 50% heading for my mouth.

We laughed a little, and Belle... Well, she ate 5 cookies from Aaron.

Aaron requested to come with me to the mall and so I said yes!

Aaron: That dress is beautiful! I believe that it looks better on you...

My heart fluttered a little, he complimented me, I don't want him in jail...

Aura: Yeah! Yeah... So umm I'm gonna pay the cashier now.

I paid for the dress and headed for the elevator.

A day later

Aura: I woke up late! I can't shower! I guess I have to just change.

I ran outside and saw Aaron in his car waiting for me.

Aaron: Wow you are gorgeous! UH GET IN THE CAR WE ARE LATE!
Aura: Ok! Ok! Jeez!

I went in the car wondering why he picked me up, I don't remember asking him.

Aura: I forgot to have breakfast!!
Aaron: I'm prepared, have some of mine.

He was so kind how could he be a criminal?

Aaron: We're here!

I got out of the car and into the party building.

I had fun with some of my friends and danced with them. I bumped into someone...

Aura: Sorry Aaron.
Aaron: It's fine, wanna dance?
Aura: Uh, sure!

We danced to a romantic song, awkward.

Aaron: You look so beautiful in red.
Aura: Belle told me, you look so good in a tuxedo, even got a tie!
Aaron: Yup, Belle told me.

Aura: Wait what- um let's get a drink! Maybe iced tea?
Aaron: Sure!

People gave speeches on the stage as I just watched, you expect ME to give one?

Aaron: It's getting dark, I'll drop you off.
Aura: Oh wow, thanks I guess!

We walked while we talked, he was so attractive...

Aaron: I'm so sorry...
Aura: Oh? For what?

I felt a laser touch my skin, a taser!? I felt liquid in the taser, he's carrying me with his own arms... And I'm dizzy...

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