ᴄʜ. 𝟽 - ʜɪᴄᴋᴇʏs

52 0 0

- sᴍᴜᴛ -
( i found this chapter rather
boring idk)

in the morning everyone woke up and they stopped at a restaurant they all sat down and ordered

seating: Mr. Aizawa is at a 4-table seat with Iida, Todoroki, Momo and Mineta then everying one else sat at two tables put together with Kirishima beside Bakugo and Denki is beside Kirishima and Jirou sat beside denki with floppy beside her and Uraraka on the other side and Deku sat right beside uraraka and mina sat beside Deku so on and so on

" How did you guys sleep last night" denki says "I slept good!" mina says "I slept ok I kept waking up during the night but it's fine thanks Denki!" Jirou said, " I slept good! what about you babe?" uararka asks floppy "oh I slept good thanks " eh it was fine I guess" Kirishima says, Deku is just eating his food not saying anything. uraraka looks at him " Deku are you okay how did you sleep?"  Deku eyes widen as he didn't want to get remined of last night, "oh it was okay ig-" Deku replies' Deku then looks at Bakugo to put him on the spot "why are you looking at me for huh!?" Bakugo says, "how did you sleep kachaan?" Deku asks, " it doesn't matter leave me alone and just eat already!" Bakugo replies. everyone starts eating and Deku is the first one to finish his food. "Guys Ima go to the bathroom" he says as he gets up and goes to the bathroom like 5 minutes later Bakugo gets up "where are you going babe?" Kirishima asks " I'm going to the bathroom" Bakugo says. he goes to the bathroom to see Deku washing his hands, Deku turns his head to see kachaan "oh hey kachaan what are you doing here?" Deku says "to see you obviously dumbass" Bakugo replies. "Well come here" Deku says, Bakugo then goes up to Deku and kisses him which soon turns into making out "kach-" Bakugo cuts him off by pushing him into one of the empty stalls and locking it behind him "kachaan what are you doi-" deku says but then gets cut off by bakugo kissing him. he then breaks the kiss "I'm sorry, I just can't resist myself anymore." bakugo says grabbing Deku's ass. "But u can wait till wait to where were going right?" deku says "I still believe it's trap" bakugo says " I promise you it's not a trap, we packed too much stuff for it to be a trap and there is the bus driver is gonna be there with us too-" deku says "fine.. can i atleast have another kiss ? " bakugo says, deku looks him in the eyes and kisses him passionately, bakugo then kisses him back. both start kissing each other loving every second of it. bakugo then moves his hand to dekus waist filling the air with kissing noises.. bakugo then pins deku to the stall wall and starts kissing dekus chin which then leads to dekus neck. "k-kachaan.." deku says breathing heavily, bakugo keeps kissing deku all over his neck leaving hickeys "mhhh.." bakugo let's out as he's kissing deku neck leaving another hickey once again.. "ka-kachaan.." bakugo then leaves one more hickey before pulling away "look at those hickeys~" he says "yeah yeah now i have to cover them up- i'ma leave first and u just come out whenever after i leave okay?" deku says "yeah,yeah" he replies deku then left of the bathroom covering his neck "mr.Aiziwa i'll be back i need to get something in the bus". before mr.Aiziwa could say anything he done already left he went and grabbed the scarf he brought just in case and he puts it on he then comes back and bakugo is already at the table everyone then notices the scarf deku is wearing "deku why are you wearing a scarf..?" mina asks "i don't wanna talk about it" deku mumbles a bit but people can still sort out what he said "okay but don't u think it's a bit too hot for that why don't u take it off?" denki ask "because uhm.." deku is at a lost for words " i think he's hiding something" mineta says (mineta moved tables) deku then looks at mineta and gives him a hard stare and kicks him under the table "Ow!" mineta says grabbing his leg "are you hiding something?" jirou asks "n-no why would i be it's just a bit chilly!" deku replies as mina then reaches for deku's scarf as pulls it off deku then covers his neck quickly nobody saw what was on his neck but jirou "hey.. what's that on your neck..?" she asks the bakugo steps in as he takes the scarf from mina and gives it to uraraka then uraraka puts it back on deku's neck she obviously knew what was going on "that was uncool mina"  uraraka said "i'm sorry i just really wanted to know!" mina said everyone then just continued talking but then soonly it was time to get back on the bus

seating otb: kirishima sat with bakugo deku sat with uraraka todoroki sat with iida jirou sat with momo denki sat with mina since he didn't mind and mineta sat with himself, everyone else just sat with whoever

"does it look that bad?" deku whispers to uraraka as she looking on his neck "it doesn't look that bad atleast.. it will probably be gone by tomorrow atleast.." uraraka reply as everyone else then look there way as they hear him talking "you sure it looks like it's not going anywhere" deku says not paying attention to anyone "well yea but don't get your hopes up it's just a prediction of when they should be gone" uraraka says touching one of them "there multiple tho they really did get you good deku-kun-" as uraraka said that deku instantly turned into a tomato as bakugo smirks then deku and uararka noticed that the whole bus went quite even Mr.Aizawa and who was listening "problem child what's on your neck?" he said walking up to deku "n-nothing-" deku replies knowing everyone is suspicious of what's going on with deku's neck "take off the scarf" Mr.Aiziwa said "Mr.Aizawa he's fine we swear he just has a rash and the scarf is gonna help it from getting infected-" uraraka said which led to Mr.Aizawa sighing " your lucky we're still at the restaurant come with me bakugo u too " Mr.Aizawa said "what why me i didn't do anything!?" Bakugou complained "i don't care" they both followed Mr.Aiziwa into the restaurant and too the bathroom "uraraka what was on his neck and what does it have to do with bakugo?" kiri asked "i don't know.. but i rather not talk about it although ima go talk with momo and jirou bye" uraraka rather quickly went to talk to momo and jirou
            *with Mr.Aiziwa and bkdk*

"take off the scarf" he said which deku then took off the scarf which then revealed the hickeys deku had Mr.Aiziwa then look at bakugo suspiciously "u did that?" the teacher said "no" bakugo replied "stop lying" he said then he turned to deku "that was what you were hiding? here ill just get u a Band-Aid" The teacher then looked back at bakugo and deku at the same time "now i don't want to see anything like this  happen between y'all  again atleast while on a bus trip stay here i'm going to get a band-aid" he said as leaving out to get a band-aid leaving the two alone that was already his first mistake "i mean atleast he's helping u hide it " bakugo said "yeah yeah says the one that gave me the hickeys in the first place" deku said as he sticks out his tongue "hey your lucky there not that bad!" bakugo said "i could have made sure they stayed there you know~" he said in a flirting tone walking to deku and grabbing his chin making deku blush again "that would have led to us getting caught up you know" deku said as he flirted back "well atleast ill still have u even if we did get caught up" bakugo said as a smirk showed up to there face as they kept flirting with eachother soonly mr. Aiziwa came through the for with a band-aid and some make up "here take the band-aid and the make up is for the other hickeys he gave u that the band-aid won't cover up  " thank you sensei! it won't happen again" deku exclaims "now hurry up we don't have all day" mr.Aiziwa says before walking out then deku puts the make up on as well then they leave back to the bus bakugou sits back with kirishima and deku goes back to uraraka "hey babe what was that about?" kiri asked "deku had a rash cs of something in the bathroom and he thought i had somthing to do with it cs i went to the bathroom like 5 minutes later" he said "ah okay there was no need to be embarrassed by a rash mido-bro!" kirishima said looking back at deku " y-yeah it was pretty bad" deku said before he turned to todoroki "hey todo watcha up to?" deku asks "nothing there is this game i've been playing wanna play?" he aks "sure" Todoroki says back as he leans over to look at deku's phone. they was playing for a while but soonly they could feel too sets of eyes gazed on them it was iida's and bakugo's although iida's is more noticeable we didn't really care tho and soon enough we made to your destinations


soryy it took me so long to upload i lost motivation 😭
i got it back when i was reading a hyunlix story tho so that's good😭.
do i know where i'm going with this ? hn

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