Molly found herself in a train station with what she guessed to be about two dozen other people. No was was speaking and seemed to be lost in thought. She felt the keys to her friend's Jeep in her hand and turned to the lady next to her. She was in a lab coat, so she guessed she might know something. "Excuse me. Sorry, where am I?"

"We're at the train station," the woman answered.

She frowned. "Right. Okay. Helpful. Which train station exactly?"

"Train station number 137."

"Did you see me come in?"

The doctor looked at her, confused. "No."

"How long have you been here?"

"Maybe an hour?"

A businessman, reading a paper, looked at the redhead. "We got here at the same time. It's been at least six hours."

"Six hours?" Molly repeated as the woman stood. "Where are you goin'?"

"Uh, uh... I had a ticket with me somewhere. Um..." She searched her pockets.

"Do you always travel in your work clothes?"

"I must have been in a rush."

Molly walked over to the ticket booth and noticed a sign saying 'Back in 5 minutes'. She saw dust piling up and rubbed it between her fingers before asking, "Do you know if anyone works here?"

She heard the announcer say, "The following stops have been canceled. Hollantine, Batten, Bay Bury, Deer Ridge, Red Oak..."

People got up from their seats and Tabitha began asking people questions. "Excuse me, where are those trains going?"

"...Trenton, Anderson, King Springs."

"Excuse me, do you know what train this is? Does anyone know where this train's going? Excuse me, do you know what train this is? Do you know where this train's going?"

Horses began galloping and neighing. The wind picked up and people started panicking. She hid and the Riders appeared, dumping a tied man on the ground. The man's bonds disappeared in a puff of green smoke. The Riders tore through the station, knocking people down. Someone grabbed Molly and pulled her behind a column.

"It had to be you," the man said.

The Riders disappeared and Molly studied her rescuer before she said, "Peter? Peter, what are you doing here? How are you here?"

He frowned. "What do you mean how am I here? I'm here. You are here. We are all here. Now, get the hell away from me, Molly." He sat back down.

"Hey, Peter. Peter. Peter! What are you doing?"

"I'm waiting for my train."

"Okay, did you not just see that?"

"See what?"

"The horses, the hogtied business men with the magically dissolving ropes? I'm sorry, did anyone just see that?"

Peter stared at her. "Do you mind? You're blocking the board. I'd like a little warning before my train arrives."

"Okay. So you're waiting for a train. How did you get here?"

"Pretty sure I took a cab."

"Last time I saw, you were being locked away in Eichen House."

Peter sighed. "I was in Eichen. Thanks to you."

"Memory's good. Can you remember how you, uh, got out? They discharge you?"

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