sparkle ✨

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Dream ran a hand down his face, trying his hardest not to fall asleep again. His father, bless her heart, came barging in, practically screaming, for some reason expecting him to already be awake.

Obviously, he was not.

After he did wake up, pretending to be asleep didn't work. She apologized but dragged him out of bed anyways. Dream was exhausted, rightfully so. After such a big move and the mental stress of starting anew, he wasn't able to sleep comfortably. 

"Hey, dad."

"Dream!" Puffy wrapped her arms around him as tightly as she could, squeezing like there was no tomorrow, "I'm so glad you're awake! I made breakfast."

Dream hummed, sitting at the table while Puffy, smiling as brightly as ever, (way too happy to be awake at 7:00 AM), plated two fluffy pancakes and a few turkey sausages. If there was one thing Dream was happy about his dad meeting Niki, besides, I suppose, his father's happiness, it's her amazing pancake recipe, which she ever so generously gave to Puffy. It's since become their favorite fallback meal when all else fails.

They sat in silence for nearly 15 minutes while Puffy cleaned off the counter and the little mess she made from breakfast. Dream was taking a ridiculously long time, trying desperately to put off the inevitable. Eventually, Puffy cleared her throat, "Foolish said you guys are leaving at 7:45, okay?"

"Got it," Dream said, shoving a big forkful of heaven into his mouth, muffling the end of his sentence. 

"That means you have less than an hour to get ready."

Dream hummed in acknowledgement.

"And you're still in your pajamas."

Dream nodded, "These are some really good pancakes, dad."

Puffy raised an eyebrow, amused, or mad, he could never really tell. "Go get dressed," She said, hand on her hip.

Dream groaned, but stood, grabbing his plate to clear.

"I got it, you go."

"Yessir," He saluted sarcastically, already rushing up the stairs. He had already picked out an outfit, admittedly at nearly four in the morning, just three hours prior, but it looked sane enough. 

He slipped out of his sweater and shorts, pulling the clip he stuck in his hair when he was writing late into the night with it. Huffing, Dream tossed it to the side and ran his hand through the tangles sleeping with it in left. He tripped pulling his jeans on, his foot almost getting caught in one of the rips, and unceremoniously shoved a turtleneck over his head after a quick spray of deodorant, tucking it in and belting his pants.

Dream dug through his makeshift jewelry box, throwing on a few rings and clipping a necklace around his neck. He brushed his hair, obsessing over the brown curls (which he insisted were blond) in his vanity. Finally, he was pleased with the way they framed his face and added silver earrings. Grabbing his bag, jacket, and phone, he hurried out the door.

Foolish was, surprisingly or not, already at the door, texting someone on his phone. 

"Foolish! I'm ready."

Foolish looked up, smiling and pocketing his phone. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Puffy, "Wait- hold on!"

She sprayed something in Dream's face, then, after a moment of contemplation, continued to do the same over his body. Dream reeled, pulling a face, "The hell?"

"Now you smell somewhat decent."

"Dad!" Dream swatted at her, face flushing while she chuckled.

"I'm kidding!- I'm kidding!" She set the small bottle on the side table by the door, "It's not even cologne, it's glitter."


Puffy nodded, proud of herself, "Yep. Now you sparkle like the star you are."

"We're leaving," Dream rolled his eyes, grabbing the door handle while Foolish laughed at his misery.

"Okay! I love you! I miss you!"

"Not even out the door yet," Dream dragged.

"And I already miss you!"

"Bye, dad."

"Bye mom!" Foolish called, much more upbeat than Dream's farewell. 

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