Start: When he meets you.

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Snake: You are shopping at bath and body works looking for sweet cherry scented bubble bath soap, The store employee says they stop selling it and you shout the F word in the small store. You storm out of the store pissed off stomping to your car. You get distracted to a 4 foot tall Snake leaning on the building with a toothpick in his mouth.  He slithers over to you. Hey pretty young lady! He says to you. Umm...Hi. You say while blushing in intense. You look mad what's the matter? He says with a worried look on his face. I'm looking for the famous sweet cherry scented bubble bath but Stupid Bath and body works doesn't have it! You say trying to calm down. W...What's your name? Snake studders. Y/N, you say. Nice name Y/N. Snake says all flustered. I'm Snake, he says. Nice you meet you Snake, you say.  I think they sell some at this store next door, Mr Snake points out. You and him go to the store and finally find some. You walk back out to your car with him. Thank you Snake, you say. Your Welcome Y/N, but you can make up for it. He says with sly eyes looking you up and down. Ummm. You wonder nervously. If you went out with me, you seem so nice and your pretty He says all flustered while blushing. I'll go out with you Snake! You say.

Shark: You go to the movie theater to see a horror shark movie, you have your popcorn and your candy and slushie by your side. Right when the shark in the movie attacks someone, A shark from the next seat over shouts "HI" while showing his teeth. You scream and your popcorn and slushie flip over on the floor. The shark has a sweet look on his face while waving his fin politely. Oh Sorry I frightened you, I'm still getting used to saying hi without scaring anyone, says the shark.'s...o...ok you studder while holding your chest. I'll buy you some more popcorn and a slushy to share if you want, says shark flustered. Sure, I would love that Mr Sharkie, you say while grinning. Mr shark goes down to the lobby to buy you your favorite candy and popcorn and a slushy. He comes back with all the food. Here you go sweet cheeks, shark says while handing  you the popcorn. He carefully puts the slushy down in a cup holder and inserts 2 Straws In the one cup. You two watch the movie and share the food, the movie is over and you exit the movie room into the lobby. Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for ice cream or go to a nearby carnival with me? Shark asked all flustered. Y... Yes please! You say all exited jumping up and down. Shark and you form a beautiful relationship.

Mr Snake and Mr Shark X Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now