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       I woke up pretty early. Well, earlier than usual. I got out of bed at 10 and took a shower. I step into the tub and immediately wake up due to the cold water rushing down my skin. After I step out of the shower as my phone buzzes on the bathroom counter. I reach for it and see that it's a notification from Yuqi. I happily check the message. Why am I so happy for one message? I blow that thought off.


Hey I actually do need help,

so can you come over?

Captain Soyeon

Yeah, no problem. Send

me your address.


It's (                  )

thanks Soyeon!!

Captain Soyeon

No problem, I'll be there in twenty. <3


     Just like I promised, I was in front of the apartment complex in twenty minutes. I called her to ask for the apartment number. She gave it to me and I used the elevator to get up to the apartment. I double checked the numbers and walked up to the door. I take a deep breath and knock. I hear muffled crashes coming from inside and the door opens to reveal a disheveled Yuqi and the pungent smell of sleep and sex. Yuqi was right, I don't even need to come in to know that her roommates room smells terrible.

     "Holy shit, it does smell like a fucking brothel in here" I mumble and I bring my jacket sleeve to my nose, breathing in the laundry smell.

     "Yeah, I should've given you a warning. He's asleep right now, at least I hope" We move to Yuqi's room, which is now full of boxes. "There's not much, but I need a car to help transport, that's it" I nod and we start to slowly load the boxes into my car. Once we loaded the last few boxes into my car, Yuqi left the key to the apartment on the table, as well a note and the next months rent money; and left the house. I sat in my car waiting for her. "Alright, let's go" She enters the passenger seat, the back seats and the trunk are full of boxes. It's a relatively quiet drive back to my house, but it's not awkward. At least, I think.

     "Now you don't have to wait for the elevator to get to your house" I said, breaking the silence. She groans and nods in agreement.

     "Yeah, no kidding. That thing was broken for months! They only recently fixed it" She complained until we reached my house. I unlocked the house and helped the taller girl bring her boxes in, showing her to her new room. It was across the living room from me, a little bit smaller then mine, but other then that it was fine.

     "This is your new room. Everything in this house is as much mine as it is yours" I explained simply as I did a mini house tour. She nodded slightly every time I showed her a different part of the house. Finally, we finished moving all her things to her room. I went back to the kitchen to grab some water and she stayed in her room. I sat on the couch scrolling through my phone. A message popped up and I clicked on it. Fuck, it's the manager. He wants me to attend a meeting after work. I groan and slump deeper into the couch. Yuqi comes out of her room in a pair of sweats and a hoodie.

     "Why the long face Yeonie? Hate me being here that much?" I shook my head and laid down properly on the couch. The pink haired girl pours the two of us a glass of water and passes me my glass, taking a seat by my feet. "What's bothering you? You can tell me, I'll listen"

     "Just work problems" I shrug. "Fucking idiots won't do their job so they HAVE to give ALL the responsibilities to me" I mutter before taking a sip of my water. Yuqi heard though, and patted my calf. It was weirdly comforting.

     "It's okay not to be okay" Yuqi put simply. "But tell you what, text me once your out of work, and I'll make you the regular. You won't have to wait for your order and it'll be fresh" She made a pretty good offer. I agree and we sit in comfy silence, quietly enjoying each other's presence like yesterday. It's funny, really, I just met her and yet, she's now living in my house, and we act like close friends. We sit for a few more moments before her stomach grumbles. We laugh and get up to make a quick dinner. "I'll make dinner. Any vegetables that you want?"

     "No. No vegetables at all. Fuck veggies" Yuqi stared at me in disbelief.

     "NO VEGGIES? How are you still alive? You're just like a little kid, honesty" She rants in amazement, scoffing after. I flick water at her, making her screech and back away. I laugh and she gets started cooking. "Mince the garlic for me please" she sets down a clove of garlic on the chopping board in front of me. 

     "What are you even making" I look over her shoulder to see a slab of meat I've had in my fridge for a while.

     "I'm just cooking meat, pretty simple. Now finish mincing my garlic!" I turn back around and begin chopping up the peeled garlic. The smell burns my nostrils. Yuqi grabs the garlic after I finish and tells me to sit down and wait for her. Following her orders, I go sit down at the dining table. I whip out a manga and begin reading it, flicking off a piece of dried rice stuck to one of the pages. I don't know how much time passed, but I was now almost finished with the manga, and Yuqi was putting down bowls of rice and the meat she made. It smelled mouth watering. I put my book down on the couch and sit back down in my seat across from Yuqi. 

     "You know I could have taken out the bowls and utensils, right? You made the food, I should todo everything else" I inquire as I reach to grab a few pieces of meat.

     "Eh" she shrugged "you looked cute immersed in the book, I didn't wanna bother you" Yuqi shoved rice in her mouth. We kept cheerful conversation as we finished up our bowls. "Soyeon, are you a lesbian?" I nearly choked on my rice. 

     "Ehm..yes" Yuqi looked indifferent, like she knew all along. "Don't worry, I won't go watching you change, or shower, or try to kiss you. I'm gay,not a perv" I said in a lighthearted joking manner.

     "Oh I wasn't trying to assume anything. If I were to be homophobic it would be extremely hypocritical" Yupik waves her chopsticks around as she talks, a habit I now realize she has. 

     "Hypocritical?" She looks at me like I just asked her to help me solve a simple addition problem.

     "Uh, yeah. I'm a lesbian too, duh. I like tits and shit" Yuqi begins clearing the table while I sit there, staring into my empty bowl in shock. Did I just come out to someone I barely know? She's a lesbian? I swear she had something with that Kaden guy, and she was talking to someone at the party. Whatever, her life her love. I bring my bowl into the sink, that's filled with firstly dishes. I sigh as I begin washing and Yuqi hops onto the couch inspecting my manga. "Never thought you were the type to read this type of shit" she begins skimming through the book.

     "Yah! Don't lose my page! My bookmark is in there" I raised my voice so she could hear me. Yuqi found my bookmark, which was a photo of me and the other girls: Miyeon, Minnie, Soojin and Shuhua. Yuqi walks over to the sink, pointing at the picture still in the page I left it.

     "I know her" she said pointing to Minnie. "We're friends..sort of" I nod, finishing up the last few dishes and shaking the water off my hands before wiping it with a rag. The both of us decide on a movie night, since it was only a Saturday. We picked a movie to watch, but I donn't even think we got through the first thirty minutes before getting bored and resorted to discussing varying topics with each other. The movie ended and we said our goodnights. I went to  wash my face and brush my teeth, before hopping into the comfort of my bed and sleeping under the fluffy covers.


Hi guys!! I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I have not edited, not proofread this so if there are any spelling or grammatical errors then I apologize! I'm also thinking of starting another IDLE story and the first chapter will be out by this Saturday..? Hopefully at least. Please make sure to vote, add to library and follow for more chapter updates!! I love you guys!❤️


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