chapter2 {It' good to see you again griphook}

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A dark hair boy was eating his freshly served full english breakfast with a glass of orange juice, in the same time everyone was waiting for the famous Harry Potter to arrive and be the one of the first people who saw the_boy_who_lived, unknowing of the fact that the very same boy was there slurping his orange juice.

The raven hair boy left the shabby inn, headed to the Gringotts and passed through the crowded magical alley called Diagon Alley .

Nobody recognized Harry as he moved in the late summer crowd . Maybe as a result of a little glamour charm which changed his messy hair to tamed one and covered his lighting bolt shape scar .

Harry intered the bank, it was the same he remembered even after a quick restoration they had after you know 'the heroic escape with a dragon'. He went to the nearest free counter .

"Excuse me" Harry said to a bald head goblin behind the counter "I would like to talk to Griphook ."

The goblin looked at him poker faced before asking "your name ?"

"Harry James Potter ." Harry actually had liked his glamour that got him here without anyone notice, however it was annoying him now .

The hairless goblin looked at him again this time with more focus his eyes widened at the realization of the glamour on the 11_year_old_boy" please this way Mr. Potter. "

Harry followed behind him; as he was walking,he imagined the looked on the Dursleys faces , finding he had left before they even woke up; he laughed internally at his imaginations .

This morning after Harry founded nothing but some junk food his uncle had brought with him, decided to go to Privet Drive, get a shower and have breakfast at Leaky Cauldron . So he spend eating his breakfast, wearing Dudley's shrunken hand-me-down clothes and listening to people talking about him . While his relatives discovered his absence and Harry could only come out with two outcome either his relatives vail thought of him be gone forever and there silly happiness or they come to realization that Harry left for his Hogwart's supply and they become fearious .
Either way there face would be hilarious.

The teller goblin stop in front of a dark brown door and turned to Harry " This is the office " and then he opened the door gesturing for Harry to go in .

Harry intered the room, walking to the man behind the only desk in the room, he stopped in front of familiar goblin he hadn't have the chance of meeting in this new time .

"What can I do for you Mr. Potter?" Griphook asked with a curious look in his eyes.

Harry looked at younger looking Griphook that he remembered " I want to remove all the blocks on me and Withrow money from my Potter Valt."anserd Harry "oh also want a new key and back every money stolen from my valts ."and added with satisfaction at his respond .

The goblin's eyes widened and filled with amusement "Mr. Potter you are aware of the fact I am not your account manager,right?" Asked Griphook interested in next word coming out of young boy's mouth.

Harry flopped into the nearest chair, saying "I am fully aware of that "He continued " That's why I'm here, I want you to be my account manager and fix everything the previous one wronged ."

The old goblin was amazed by the boy's easiness with him. " Well Mr. Potter consider that done . Let's us proceed with your requests. " he toke out a parchment and a gilded dagger "drop three drops of blood on this parchment " He handed them to the green eye boy .

Harry grabbed them and cut his finger with the shining dagger and counted three drops of his blood falling from tip of his finger .

Words start to appear on the parchment, before the words could appear completely, the raven hair gave the parchment to the curious goblin . Griphook took a few good minutes to read all the things written on that parchment. With every passing second his face filled with more and more surpris .

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