One two three. One two three. My feet hit the ground. One two three. One two three. Breath in breath out. No matter how much I repeat the same thought it never gets any easier. There's not much else you can after witnessing someone be murdered is there. The best I can hope for is that the police were able to find the killer. Yet there is a feeling in my chest that something isn't right.
" God I hate Ferris wheels" I said shaking as we movie farther up the line "Why did I let you talk me into this?"
"Because you love me." My best friend vianna said
" Ya sure." I sigh. I look over my shoulder to see people running.
"Hey Vi is there supposed to be some kind of famous person here or something?"
"No why?" She looks over then she sees it
"Alice run." She gasps looking panicked
"What?" I said confused watching the crowd
"Run!" She yells grabbing my arm. Then she stops. Bang. I finally looked over and I saw red. Blood on my hands. Bloods on her. I looked around to see who was hurt, but then I finally saw that Vi was the one hurt. Then I really looked at her. She wasn't breathing.
So much was happening people were running my way. I was gasping for the last bits of air I could get trying to run as far as possible. I shouldn't have left her there but what was I supposed to do? How could I know I wasn't next?
258 words. This is more a chapter to set the story
Fight Over Death
Action"I don't need to worry I'm her best friend why would they think I did it?"