The Injection

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~~~Anya's POV~~~

I woke up to a weird sound coming from downstairs, I looked over to see that Cyrus wasn't in bed anymore. I threw the blankets off of me and got out of bed.

Opening the door and stepping into the hall, I was freezing because I didn't have a lot of clothes on. I was only wearing a black tank top with white shorts on.

I got close to the top of the stairs and stopped. I listened for the noise again. Someone was talking down there about needles and drugs. I moved my foot slightly and the floor creaked. I signed.

"Shit" I said under my breath. I could here the people down there moving around. One said, "I heard something move up there".

The other voice said, "possibly just the floor creaking Jake, it's a old house".

Okay so one of them is named Jake. I tried walking back to the room I was in, but I made a lot of noise.

"Anya, that you up there?". I stayed quiet trying not to draw attention.

"Anya Lynn, we can hear you up there can you please come down".

I just sat still thinking maybe this was a dream or a nightmare again. I sat on the stairs in the hall. I don't know how long I was sitting there until some guy with black hair with green ends comes up too me.

"Are you alright Anya?".

"Yeah, just I'm kinda hungry" I reply looking into his eyes.

Jake looked at me and looked at my arm, I noticed. "What the fuck you looking at Jake?".

He signed and got up from the couch, he grabbed something from his bag that was on the floor. He gave Cyrus a weird look as he walked over to me. He stabbed something in my right shoulder.

"The fuck was that for?, and to be honest what.. was...that?" I responded looking at Cyrus and Jake. Jake just had this look like he was gonna do something bad to me.

Cyrus whispered to me, "whatever Jake stuck in your arm should take affect in less then 10 minutes, you might wanna accept what he has too offer". Cyrus chuckled at me.

I looked up and down trying to see if I still had eye sight. My right eye looked blurry. I had this strange sensation of feeling that the injection took affect...

I soon eventually passed out.

~Skip forward~

Don't remember much afterwards, I felt this wave of anxiety take over me. I was anxious hell, I was beyond scared..

Whatever they did too me was gonna either mess me up completely or it was going to kill me....

I could be a good person or a bad one. I don't even know why they need me....

Hell....this is gonna be interesting... more likely insane...

All the thoughts consumed menwhile I was passed out, all I thought about was that damn injection......

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