Chapter 19

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I couldn't be any happier right now ,just moments ago I thought my world was all broken apart  when we all thought neteyam was dead and what my last time holding him in my arms was like

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I couldn't be any happier right now ,just moments ago I thought my world was all broken apart  when we all thought neteyam was dead and what my last time holding him in my arms was like.I was caught up in the kiss I couldn't think straight .
~A'ylani pauses stopping neteyam
Neteyam-what is it ?
A'ylani-I was suppose to go meet with everyone else for breakfast since I still quite haven't ate yet ,I just been unpacking stuff
~Neteyam rolls his eyes in annoyance
A'ylani-don't be rolling your eyes at me ,before I pluck them out your head
~Neteyam gives her a wtf look
Neteyam-I'm sorry my 'ylani it's just I want you sooooo bad right now *he teased*
A'ylani-I meannnnnnn I do have my own place nowww*she titled her head at him *
Neteyam-wait this is your place now,Damn how much did I miss? I was only half dead for 2 days *he looked around*
~A'ylani chuckled at him and picked up her mat off the floor cleaning up stuff and placing it on a shelf with all her family pictures.
|warning of sexual content below|

~Neteyam watched as she cleaned up and decided to catch her off guard.Neteyam comes up behind A'ylani and starts kissing on her shoulders  softly as she paused what she was doing she tried not to moan and let him continue,he saw that as a sign to go further so he moves up to her neck while he puts both hands on her waist ,she holds on his head gently.
A'ylani-Neteyam..*she moans*
But ignores her and began to feel on her body ,then she turns around smirking at him then walks to the bed and began undressing herself still making eye contact with him ,he starts doing the same then walks up to her and start kissing her again ,she brushes her hands down his chest then placed both of them on his dick and starts jacking him off ,he groans while their still kissing but she ends up breaking apart from the kiss to go down on him ,she starts throwing her neck back in forth fast enjoying it.Neteyam holds onto her head trying not to cum but eventually he does.She stands up making direct eye contact with him he pushed her on to the bed and put both her legs on his shoulders and started eating her out ,A'ylani gripped onto the cover moaning arching her back and felt her orgasm creeping up on her ,it finally hit her but the crazy part was he still kept going she started squirming around with him between her legs
A'ylani-Neteyam please!*she moaned*
But he still kept going then easily slid himself into her ,she gasped as he smirked looking down at her ,he held his hand around her neck kissing her while he starts thrusting himself in and out of her ,she wrapped her legs around his waist then he started going faster and deeper making the bed shake ,her moans began to turn into cries with the amount of pleasure she was feeling she couldn't take it
A'ylani-Neteyam I'm gonna-*she stuttered as she felt her orgasm approaching *
Neteyam-let it out baby*he said in her ear still holding her neck*
Neteyam felt his orgasm creep on him as well so he started going harder and they both orgasmed at the same time
A'ylani-fuckkk! *she yelled*
Neteyam-shit *he groaned in pleasure *
|End of sex scene|
~They both looked at eachother out of breath smiling from making love .
Neteyam-I love you A'ylani
A'ylani-I love you more neteyam
~They kissed
A'ylani-we should get cleaned up and go eat because I'm reallyyyyy hungry
~They both took a shower together and went to go meet everyone else for food
Loak-My two favorite lovebirds are back !
~Kiri smiled
M'iah-yes ! Now you can stop being mad at the world
A'ylani-I know yo ass not talking
M'iah-mmm so what was you guys doing huh?
Ka'dim-M'iah mind yo business damn  , if he was getting him some cheeks leave it alone
M'iah-You just mad you can't get you none*she stuck out her tongue*
~Ka'dim threw the end of his burrito at her
Loak-Aye bro we about to go hunting want to come ?
~Neteyam looks at A'ylani she nods
Neteyam-yeah let's go
~They all went hunting and was clowning each-other about who kept missing their shots ,obviously Ka'dim and loak ended up having a argument about who had the most kills.
M'iah-bro if y'all don't shut the hell up already like c'mon who cares who got the most wins
Loak-me !because we all knew I was always the best at it
Ka'dim-shut yo washed up seaweed looking ass up
A'ylani-Hey!*she hissed at the both of them they stop automatically looking at her*enough already!
Neteyam-we all know the best one is me obviously *he said confident *
Loak-Bro fuck off
Neteyam-jealous Skxawng?
Loak-psh never that!
M'iah-I don't know about y'all but being out here just reminds me of the time we got taken
Loak-ugh don't remind me bestfriend
A'ylani-Yeahh when Ka'dim tired ass fell asleep under a tree
~Neteyam chuckled while Ka'dim rolled his eyes
Loak-Them we're the good ole days
~Neteyam gave loak a " really nigga look" and pushed him into a bush
Loak-Owws! Bro what the fuck was that for
Neteyam-for that dumb ass sentence you just said when I damn near died getting out that place
A'ylani- uhh hellooo! we all almost died their Neté
Neteyam-Oh yeah,Right
A'ylani-Ima head back I'm getting tired
Neteyam-My 'ylani you okay?
A'ylani-yeah I'm okay ,never better with you around *she winked*
Loak-ewww gross!
~Neteyam hissed back at his brother then loak put both hands up in surrender
As we all walked back to the village things started to feel normal again but I don't know why I kept getting this nausea feeling like I had to throw up when I just felt normal hours ago .
Neteyam-babe you sure you're okay!?*he put his hand on her back looking concerned *
A'ylani-Yea I'm-*she gets cuts off from throwing up*
~Neteyam looked in disgust at her puking but he still comforted her anyways
Neteyam-yeahhh let's take you home now
Loak-See you guys later !*he yelled walking off with the others ,neteyam nodded back at him*
~A'ylani arrived at her hut with neteyam , he helped her inside and laid her on the bed and patted her head with a cool rag incase she had a fever.
A'ylani-Nete it's fine , your parents are probably worried about you
Neteyam-I already told them I was going to spend my day with you so you tried it my 'ylani, I like taking care of you
A'ylani-come lay next to me
~Neteyam crawled into bed behind her cuddled under the blanket .They both drifted off to sleep but neteyam had woke up out his sleep and went outside to go pee , before he was about to he noticed a weird looking star from a distance .

I woke up feeling the absence of neteyam and went to go check on him and I saw him looking at the sky like he was glued to it .
A'ylani-Babe what are doing ? You look like creep!
~neteyam snapped out of his gaze and walked to her
Neteyam -C'mon let's go *he pushed her back in the hut closing the door *
He looked worried and was acting weird like he done seen a damn alien or something .
A'ylani-Neteyam! What's wrong with you , you're acting weird as hell , it's starting to scare me a little
Neteyam-I'm sorry babe it's just-I was about to pee and saw a weird star in the night
~Neteyam was starting to get irritated having to keep repeating himself
Neteyam -A'ylani a star in the night can only mean one thing more sky people returning !
As just as I thought we were done with sky people for good another problem worried me .
~A'ylani gasps with shock
Neteyam -Don't worry okay? We're going to be alright ,when I let my dad know he'll decide on what to do *he put both his hands on her shoulder*

A'ylani-Well...what ever happens just know I'm always going to be by your side ,even if that means me taking a bullet for you
Neteyam-My 'ylani we're mates ,I'm not going no where and your not either ,and I would never want to put you in that type of situation where you have to risk your life for me *he smiled *
A'ylani-I just want us to be safe and at peace ..kinda like we are now but another problem keeps coming back
Neteyam -we will be okay , don't stress yourself babe ,you was already throwing up everywhere so lay back down
~A'ylani playfully rolls her eyes and they both head back in bed together

I will not stand and do nothing if more sky people were returning ,I'm forever going to fight for and protect what's mines ....

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