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Hi, Hello. This is part 3 I hope you enjoy!💕
Still episode 6 btw.
Also sorry if I change from 1st person to 2nd a bit through the story. If it annoys you I'll change it.
⚠️spoilers- if you plan on watching this episode and haven't yet you need to watch it!
•Photo from Pinterest•
It was dark, you were running, you don't know why, just running from the darkness that followed you in a shape of a man. The only light you had was from the distant moon. You started to get out of breath but you were still running like you would die if you stopped. You then tripped over a tree trunk. You felt like you got impaled, your whole body stung. As you were trying to catch your breath the shadow covered your body. You started to turn around to see who or what had been following you in your nightmares and....

Beep beep, beep beep, beep beep.
Your alarm went off. 🙄
You groaned and got up, quickly changed and brushed your teeth to meet the others.

As you got closer to the mess hall your heard T-dog say
"Eggs. Powdered, but, but I do them goood." Then you heard a groan which you suspected to be from Glean because of the amount of alcohol he drank last night.
As you entered the mess hall T-dog continued "protein helps the hangover," while giving some eggs to Glenn.
You said good morning and the others said it back whilst T-dog handed you a plate of eggs and you sat down with the others enjoying the eggs he made.

A minute later Shane entered with a "Hey" and Rick said "Hey" back. T-dog then looked at Shane and said,
"What the hell happened to you?" You then looked up at him, then Shane and saw that he had a scratch mark on the side of his neck that looked like it came from someone's nails. He then responded whilst sitting down,
"I must have done it in my sleep."
"Never seen you do that before." Rick then said,
"Me neither" Shane responded, "Not like me at all." He said looking towards Lori. When you looked over at her you saw her look at Shane then look right back at her food and continued eating. (👀 -oop).
After that scene that went on which you questioned in your head Jenner entered and said morning and the others greater him. Dale then said,
"Doctor, I don't mean to slam you with questions first thing..."
"But you will anyway." Jenner said. Then Andrea chimed in saying,
"We didn't come here for the eggs." Jenner then turned around looking towards the group then made eye contact with me.

Time skip- after eating.

Me, Jenner and the group made our way to the main room. With Jenner leading the way like normal. He then got to his computer and said to Vi,
"Give me play back of TS-19."
Vi responded, "Playback of TS-19." I then looked up towards the screen bracing myself for what's about to come since you already knew what happened to TS-19.
As the screen was loading Jenner was saying,
"Few people ever got a chance to see this. Very few." As the screen finished loading the 12 year old boy said,
"Is that a brain?"
"An extraordinary one." Jenner replied looking over at Carl, "Not that it matters in the end."
"Take us in for the EIV" he said to Vi,
"Enhanced internal view" Vi said in her robotic voice. The big screen then zoomed in towards the face on the side angle and zoomed into the brain even more. You could see all the pulses going through the brain, all the experience, memories, the life inside.
"Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples off light, is you." Jenner said looking around the group. "The thing that makes you unique, and human"
"You don't make sense ever?" Daryl asked,
"Those are synapses, electric impulses in the brain that carry all the messages," I spoke up, "They determine everything a person says, does or thinks from the moment of birth to the moment of death."
"Death? That's what this is, a vigil?" Rick question whilst moving towards Jenner.
"Yes. Or rather the... playback of the vigil." Jenner responded,
"This person died?" Andrea said remorseful "who?"
I looked towards my feet not wanting to say anything.
"Test subject 19. Someone who was bitten and infected, and volunteered to have us record the process." Jenner said.
"Vi, scan forward to the first event." He said.
"Scanning to first event." Vi responded.

The screen then went back to the side view to see some of the synapse decaying and turning a dark blue-ish black colour.
"What is that?" Glean questioned.
"It invaded the brain like meningitis." Jenner responded.
The decay grew even more and TS-19 started to turn.
"The adrenal glands haemorrhage, the brain goes into shutdown then the minor organs." Jenner continued.
The brain finished decaying and the subject stopped moving.
"Then death" I finished.
"Everything you ever were or ever will be.. gone." Jenner said.
"Is that what happened to Jim?" Sophia question and her mother responded yes. Andrea looked really upset and Lori said,
"She lost someone two days ago. Her sister" my heart shattered hearing that.
Jenner then said to Andrea, "I lost somebody too. I know how devastating it is."
He then said, "scan to the second event."
Vi responded, "scanning to second event."
"The resurrection times vary wildly. We have reports of it happening in as little as 3 minutes. The longest we heard of was 8 hours." Jenner said, "in the case of this patient, it was... 2 hours, 1 minute, 7 seconds."
The screen the show small red flashes of light in the patients brain and started to expand.
"It restarts the brain?" Lori questioned surprised,
"No just the brain stem, basically it gets them up and moving" Jenner responded.
"But they're not alive?" Rick questioned.
"You tell me." Jenner responded.
"It's nothing like before. Most of that brain is dark." Rick said.
"Dark, lifeless, dead. The frontal lobe, the neocortex, the human part, that doesn't come back. The you part." Jenner said.
The patient started moving again.
"Just the shell driven by mindless instinct." Jenner said.
Just then on the playback a big line went through the patients head (photo at the top) and you looked down again trying not to cry.
"God. What was that?" Carol said.
"He shot his patient in the head. Didn't you." Andrea said looking towards Jenner.
"Vi power down the main screen and the workstations. Jenner said ignoring her question.
"Powering down main screen and workstations."
"You have no idea what it is, do you?" Andrea said to him.
"It could be microbial, viral, parasitic, fungal." He said.
"Or the wrath of God?" Jacqi said.
"There's that" Jenner said back.
"Somebody must know something. Somebody somewhere." Andrea said.
"There are others, right?" Carol said. "Other facilities?"
"There may be some, people like me."
"But you don't know. How can you not know?" Rick said.
"Everything went down. Communications, directives, all of it. I've been in the dark almost a month."
You look up towards Jenner not knowing, you just thought that they didn't find anything interesting to inform you guys with.
"So it's not just here. There's nothing left anywhere. Nothing. That's what you're really saying, right?" Andrea questioned.

"Man, um gonna get shit-faced drunk again." Daryl said.
"Dr. Jenner, I know this has been taxing for you and I hate to ask one more question, but... that's counting down.  What happens at zero?" Dale says.
You looking over at the clock and it says 1 hour left. It's the thing that has been bugging you for a while because you didn't know the answer and Vi would tell you because it was 'confidential'.
"The.. basement generators, they run out of fuel." Jenner said.
"And then?" Rick said.
Jenner just walks away.
Lori looked over at me, "Daniella what happens?"
I looked back at her, "I-I don't know." Then looked down disappointed I couldn't help.
"Vi, what happens when the power runs out?" Rick asks in panic.

"When the power runs out, facility-wide decontamination will occur."
~1396 words~

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