Chapter 2

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I will be free till Saturday. So if u guys complete the target soon u will get the chapter or else the update will be postponed to next week. BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER will be updated only after the target is completed.

After that they drove to the office. On the way Laksh was again teasing Raghav. When they entered into the office they both got shocked seeing the person standing at the reception. Raghav was still in shock when Laksh smirked and went near to Raghav's ears....

Laksh: i said na dada that Raghav is destined to meet his Maithili....he whispered still looking at Maithili.

Raghav: yeah...he whispered and Laksh giggled.  but  Raghav composed himself.

Raghav: did u planned something or what...

Laksh: huh...dada...this is not fair ok...i was with u all the time and how can u suspect me like this...actually its not me...its the one who is up there planning everything...i would like to give some tips....

Raghav: Laksh...he said sternly and he went silent giggling.

They went towards the reception. Raghav was about to talk but Laksh beat to him...

Laksh: hi dii...what a surprise..i didnt expected u here so soon...he said and Maithili along with the receptionist looked at him shocked and confused.

Raghav: Laksh...he called for him sternly stopping him from blabbering something more. Laksh realised what he said and tried to patch up..

Laksh: huh...i mean what are u doing here...yeah i was meant to ask that...are u here to thank us...if it is no need at all...hainna dada....

Raghav: whats going on here shasha...he asked the receptionist ignoring him.

Shasha: sir she is here for the interview...but she is late..

Laksh: what but its-....

Raghav: Laksh..go to our cabin and start preparing for the report of the previous deal..i want it in one hour...

Laksh: but dada...

Raghav: i said in 1 hour Laksh...he said in slightly raised voice. Laksh slightly flinched on the voiced which Raghav always hates to use it on him but now he cant let him speak any non sense before the girl they met yesterday. 

Laksh: ok dada...he said in a low voice and left from there silently with his head hung low. Raghav knew he has upset him..but it was necessary now and he knew how to pacify his kid.Maithili saw the interaction between and was surprised and also confused. But now her interview was important.

Raghav: dont u know that u should come early for interview process Ms.Maithili..

Maithili who understood Raghav was one of the important person in the office started speaking.

Maithili: sorry sir...i really caught up in the traffic...and u know what happened yesterday...she said last line as whisper but he got it.

Raghav: but now the process would have started right Shasha...

Shasha: yes sir...i was also telling her that only...

Maithili: Sir please...i really need this job...please give me a chance please...please sir..

Raghav: but Maithili i-...he stopped when he saw his father and his chachu going inside towards the cabin discussing something. Now he has to go or else he knew what will happen in the office.

Raghav: ok...Shasha let her attend...Ms.Maithili let this be the first and last time u are getting late...go attend the interview all the best...he said and left from there in hurry not even giving her a chance to thank him. She looked at his retreating figure in confusion but shrugged it off and went to the interview.

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