Viva Las Vengeance (part 1)

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I stood there in the hallway with the chocolate in hand and my other hand tucked into my trouser pocket, and I glanced about for Ashley and the look on her face. There were so many questions that flowed through my mind at the moment, and one of which consisted of what she had done to my prince back there in the reception hall. I popped the chocolate into my mouth and then I turned my head to the right.

No one was there. She couldn't have gotten that far, as it wasn't that big of a chapel, either, and the whole occasion took place within a block or so from the very heart of the Strip. I could see her from clear across the room as well.

I walked on down to the far end of the hallway there: another glimpse about and nothing came into fruition there before me.

I took another bite of chocolate and, as it graced my lips, a pair of hands crossed over my eyes. I held still with my mouth full of chocolate and I had no clue as to how to react right then. The fingers caressed over the bridge of my nose as well as my eyebrows.

I held my breath.

The body pressed up against my back and I could feel a pair of soft breasts against my shoulder blades.

The hands moved off my face and rested upon my shoulders. Ashley peeked around me with a devious smile on her face.

"Boo," she caught me, and I swallowed down the chocolate and I looked at her with my eyebrows raised up a bit.

"May I ask what you're doing back here?" I started with a clearing of my throat. She stepped around me all the way, so I had a full view of her body right there before me.

"Oh, just hanging out," she replied in a singsong voice. "Hanging out like you and your 'husband'—" She flexed her index and middle fingers at me.

"He really is my husband," I insisted with a roll of my eyes.

"Oh, please," she scoffed. "I saw you looking at my legs back there."

"I was just looking at your shoes," I cracked to her, complete with a sly little chuckle, but then again, I wondered as to what she was talking about. I only had eyes for Chuck as well as Chuck from Florida and Joey. Three guys. No coochies to be found anywhere. I swallowed at the sheer sight of her: she squinted her eyes at me as she rested her hands upon my shoulders, as if she was about to give me a massage. But then she leaned in closer to my face.

I turned away from her all to head on back to the reception hall and the safety and comfort of Chuck, and I had reached the bottom when she tackled me from behind. I fell face first onto the floor and the cup went flying out towards the door. She clasped her hands onto my shoulders: her perfume caressed over my nose, and she brought her lips close to the side of my face. I wanted to tell her that I was uncomfortable lying on my stomach with her squashed upon my back.

"Don't make me fuck you," she whispered into my ear.

"I do want you to fuck me," I said with a straight face. "I've been a bad boy and I want to be fucked so silly." As the words left my lips, I realized that she was taking my jokes without a pinch of salt to be found.

Ashley rolled me over onto my back and she stripped off her dress.

She loomed over me with her blonde hair streaked down towards my forehead and shoulders. Her lips parted and her tongue slithered out from the inside of her lips like the tongue of a king cobra. I had no idea as to how to speak to her: everything felt dry with me, but I could tell that she was moist as a lake.

"Dominate me..." she begged me. "Mmm, yeah—so good. So dominant and big and strong—"

I pinched my eyes shut as she ground down on me. I was flaccid but warm at the same time. Completely baffled and beside me.

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