Chapter 21 Perfect Weather

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"So the tour's going well?" I'm talking on my phone while driving to Steve's studio.

"Yes, we're having a super fun time," Libby answers, her voice boistrous. "Hey! Hu... um, someone wants to talk to y..." she is cut off as a different voice takes over.

"Hey Ellie, how's it going? I feel like we haven't spoken in ages!" Hunter's tone is clearly, completely happy.

I can't help smiling, hearing his voice. "I'm good. Steve leaves in a little less than a week though, so that's a little sad."

I've brought up Steve each and every time I talked to Hunter since the CMA's. I can't help it; Steve's accusatory question got to me. I try to focus the conversation on Steve as often as I can.

"Yeah, well, at least he's going off to have a fantastic time! You'll be fine." Hunter laughs. "Anyway, you need to talk some sense in Libby. She's overly sensitive about people knowing she's my girlfriend. So just tell her she's gorgeous and that everyone loves her, she won't listen to me."

"Hunter!" I hear her squealing, then there is some scuffling sounds as Libby wrestles for control of her phone.

"Hello?" I ask after a couple moments of silence.

"Hey El, sorry about that," Libby says.

"Lib, why do you keep short changing yourself? Everyone loves you! Like at the CMA's, you were so scared. But everyone got super excited and went on about how pretty and nice you are," I jump to reassure.

"Yeah, thanks. So, are you coming or not?"

"Uh... I haven't decided yet."

"Oh come on! You have to come; it's the last show. If you're worried about money or anything, don't. We'll pay for you to come up."

"No, fine, yes. Yes, I will come."

I've never been to Canada, so this will be interesting. I wonder how long it takes to drive to London, Ontario.

"Yay, you're coming! Hunter, she's coming!" Libby shouts.

"Okay." I laugh at her enthusiasm. "I've got to go, Steve's coffee's getting cold."

"Fine, I'll talk to you later. Tell Steve hi."

I end the call as I pull into the parking lot at the studio. Juggling the tray of coffee and my keys and phone, I enter the building.

Walking into the switchboard room, I wave at Joe, the guy behind the board. Steve and his band are recording.

I watch him- all of them- as they pour their heart and energy into the music. I imagine it's the same kind of feeling I get when I am deep in a story, the same passion.

The song ends. I wave through the window and am greeted with excited smiles. I have been bringing coffee after work every day they have been recording.

They fill the booth and greet me as I pass out the caffeine. Steve hangs back by the door and I move through the crowd to him.

"Hi," I greet him with a kiss.

"Hey." He smiles. "I wanna show you something, c'm here."

"What?" I ask.

"Just don't say anything." He straps his guitar on. Sitting in front of the microphone, he starts to sing:

"The first time I saw her
Her smile drove me wild, made my heart stir
Her eyes were like sweet, green grass
My senses flew free as a bird
We spent some time in blissful peace
And for a minute everyone else was gone
It took me a while to understand what's wrong"

I realize then that the song is about me. I can't help it; my eyes fill with tears.

"My heart's been stolen
I'm long gone
The day's we're together
Small moments never feel wrong
She can get me through every storm
And heading for perfect weather

Giving meaning to my existence
My world now makes true sense
Every time our eyes meet
I can't believe I could love, so intense
She's my world, my living heartbeat
I'm so lucky to have her in my life
I never suspected she was such a good thief"

'Wait, did he just say, or rather sing, love?' I am swaying along, a smile threatening to break my face in two.

"My heart's been stolen
I'm long gone
The day's we're together
Small moments never feel wrong
She can get me through every storm
And heading for perfect weather

We're walking high up in the clouds
Where nothing exists, no thought, no sound
Strolling and laughing up here together
Colors more vivid, skies so much clearer
Love wasn't what I was lookin' for, but that's what I found

My heart's been stolen
I'm long gone
The day's we're together
Small moments never feel wrong
She can get me through every storm
And heading for perfect weather

Her and me together makes for perfect weather"

As the last strains die, I stand there speechless. My hands are clutched over my heart, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Did we get that?" He asks, turning to Joe, who gives him a thumbs up. "So?" He turns to me. "What do you think? Be honest."

"I... I." I stop and take a breath, "I love you too." I run into his arms.

His guitar, which he slung over his shoulder, swings into his side as he sweeps me up and swings me around in circles.

When he finally sets me down I pull my head back. "What'd you mean by 'did you get it?'" I ask.

"That's going on the debut album," he announces, grinning at me.

I am completely dumbfounded. This isn't the kind of thing that happens to girls like me. I am filled with thoughts, feelings, ideas, possibilities. I don't even give a second thought to my notebooks; they stay where they are. I just want to cling to this moment.

"I'm taking you out tonight," he tells me.

I nod.

"Pick you up at 8?"

Again I nod and smile. Then the band is coming back in and I have to leave.

"See you then." I walk out of the building with 'colors more vivid,' and 'walking high up in the clouds.'

I am bursting with excitement as I drive home, not trusting myself to do anything other than drive. I don't even turn on the radio; I want to keep our song in my head all by itself.

I pull out my phone the second I step into my entryway. I can't wait to talk to Libby. I know she'll be busy but I need to tell someone what just happened or I'll explode.

Besides, I know she'll make time for this.

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