chapter 2

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All the fairy were dancing as it was the festival of flowers "miss autumn come dance" one of the fairy's said, I danced for a few hours but ended up walking around in the forest until vines rapped around me "little rose~" I heard a voice say "gloxinia" I said as a tear escaped he flew Infront of me and wiped my tear away "join me autumn we can get married and the ten commandments won't kill you" he said smiling sweetly at me 'god I'm melting' I looked away "n-no" I said stuttering a bit "fine we'll do this the hard way" as he said that I was knocked out.

Gloxinia pov

I used my vines to knock out autumn, drole locked her in a stone cage which was strong enough so she wouldn't use her powers to escape I smiled at how peaceful she looked.

Autumn pov

I woke up in a stone cage I used my nettles to try and crush the bars but it didn't work "rose~ you should know by now that you cant escape" gloxinia said standing Infront of the cage "what happened to you" I say a tear falling down my cheek "I simply wanted power" he says flying away "you really think I believe that" I say making him stop "do you really not remember what you said to me the day you proposed" I finish saying and he flys back down "of course I do but I've changed rose I'm more powerful than ever I can now protect you and the forest" he says then flying off.

Few hours later captain,ban,king, Merlin and Diana show up "took you long enough" I say as they let me out the cage. Once I'm out I let my wings free "Auts behind you" ban says I turn around to see all ten commandments "autumn join us" gloxi says flying down to stand Infront of me "if I join you you'll leave them alone" I say crossing my arms gloxinia looks towards zeldris "fine" zeldris says gloxinia holds his hand out to me and I just stand next to him nat takinghis hand "autumn no" Diana says gloxi nods and I run over to them and hug them "hey it's ok,I'll be alright" I say smiling I turn to king "look after the forest for me" I say which leads to him hugging me tightly "I'll do my best" he says making me nod "be careful auts" mel says looking up at me "will do captain" I smile and ban walks up to me "go get your girl ban she needs you" I say punching him in the arm "we'll get you back I promise" ban whispers and I nod I then say good bye to the others and merlin teleports them all back "rose" gloxinia tries touching my hand but I smack it away "don't touch me" I say flying off I sit on the grass when zeldris comes over "hello autumn" he says making me stand up and grow roses ready to fight him "im not here to hurt you I just want to talk" he says putting his hands up.

"What do you want to talk about" I say crossing my arms "I want to understand you and gloxinia, believe it or not I'm in love I want to propose to her but I want to do it right".

my rose (gloxinia x autumn)Where stories live. Discover now