Part 13. (Azrael)

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Me and Miguel reached the hotel lobby, still hand in hand. We walk out of the door and start walking down the side walk, the food truck was at the end of the street so it wasn't far at all. We reached the truck and were behind a older couple. We stand there patiently for a minute. I notice this girl sitting at a picnic table on our right staring at Miguel. She has light brown curly hair, and dark blue eyes. She has smaller features. I could tell she has a skinny figure, and maybe with a hourglass shape. She has faint dimples and beautiful doe eyes. She has a diamond shaped face, and small, yet plumped lips.

She was beautiful.

Miguel caught me off guard as he walked up to the window.

"Qué yo puedo traerte?" The lady in the window asked.

" Carne Asada and Horchata para la dama." Miguel paused "Yo lo mismo para mi" Miguel continued with a smile
("Carne asada for the lady" " and the same for me")
" Bueno, 17.65" the lady said.
Miguel tapped his card and payed. I stood there waiting as he found a clean table. Coincidentally, the one he found was right next to the brown haired girls table. "Claro esta" I mumbled (of course). " oui!" I here somebody yell, drifting my attention from Miguel to the young man in the next window. He holds out our orders " Gracias" i said taking our orders. I turn back to the tables and now see the girl sitting across from Miguel. I was filled with rage. Why is she talking to him. 'Wow. Calm down. Its not like hes your boyfriend.' I thought. I calm down and walk towards my table. I put our food and drinks down and sit next to Miguel. The girl looks at me and back to Miguel. I look up towards Miguel.
"Esa es tu novia? The girl asks looking at Miguel, then me.
" Aun no" he says with a smirk.
I looked up at him then at the girl
"todavía no ha preguntado" I said looking at Miguel, his face flooded red, not knowing i speak that much Spanish.
(Is that your girlfriend?)
(Not yet)
(He hasnt asked me yet)
" I didnt know you understand Spanish Y/n?" he says shocked.
" I'm Cuban cabroñ" i reply taking a sip of my drink.
" Im Azrael, Azrael Valdez" the girl says, sticking her hand out to shake mine. " Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n" you say with a smile. " This was my childhood best friend back in Arizona. She moved a few years ago, right before I started filming for the 1st movie." Miguel tells me, starting to eat his food. " That's nice. We've known each other for like 4 months?" I state with a unsure tone. Miguel took up 5 fingers. "Five months?" I ask, and he nods (let's just pretend shall we💞) " Five months" I said with a smile. " I saw you staring me earlier. If looks could kill, id be dead" Azrael states slightly laughing. " What?" Miguel looks confused " Yeah she was staring at you and I wasnt having it" i said laughing taking a bite out of my taco.

We all three kept talking, having really good conversations. Until it reached 6:30 and I got a call from Mason.

                INCOMING CALL
              Accept or decline

M: Y/n?

Y/n:- hey mase whats up

M:where are you and Miguel?

Y/n: we got tacos down the street why?

M: Just wondering. Can i join you? The other four left me alone.

Y/n: Yeah of course. Ill see you soon. Love you bye

M: love you too bye.

She hangs up. " Masons coming down, tristan, brady, becca and maddie left him." Miguel nods, " oh my god! You would love mason." I explained to Azrael. " We will see" she replied.

Mason and i have a very close, almost brother and sister relationship. He's always there for me, no matter what, and the same for me. I saw mason walking towards the truck. " Mase!" I yelled causing him to look at me and walk over. I got up and hugged him.

Mason POV:
I hear y/n call my name, i walk towards her and see what might be the most beautiful girl ive ever seen. I hugged y/n and walked with her to the table. " Mason, this is Azrael" Miguel introduced them. He stuck out his hand " Call me Az" she smiled and sat down. " Mase for short." He followed up.

I could tell that Mason was experiencing love at first sight. He just stared at her. He was so tied up and just met her. I know their gonna be something some day. We stayed there for another hour or so. Mason and Az were getting along so well, they ready exchanged numbers and everything. Me and Miguel looked at eachother and back at the other two.  " Were gonna leave you too to make friends" i said grabbing Miguels hand and waving at them both. " Their gonna be something big" Miguel blurts out. " I can tell" i say laughing. We reached our hotel room and Miguel turned to me. I looked at him as he leaned in to me and kissed me. I put my hands on the back of his neck as he put his around my waist. He pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine. " We're gonna be something bigger" I mumbled. He smiled at me and walked to his room leaving me still in shock by the front door. I walk to my room and change into pajamas. I get a incoming call from my mom and I answer.

M: Hey Y/n

Y/n- Hi momma! I miss you.

M- we miss you too.

Dad: Y/n what are you wearing? You always dress so inappropriate. Be more like your sisters. Please hang up y/m/n"

My mom rolled her eyes

M-talk to you later.
*Call ended*

" What the fuck." I scoff. My father's always been pathetic and disgustingly rude to me. I lay in my bed and try to calm down, but i can't. Somethings missing. I grab a stuffed animal and walk out of my room and to Miguel's. I knocked on his door "Come in!" He yells. I walk in holding my bear and look at him, hes wearing a white tank top, and black shorts. He can tell somethings wrong. " What's wrong mi vida?" He says as he gets up from his chair and walks towards me. " Can i just lay with you tonight? I said quietly. " Of course. Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks trying to comfort her. I nod and lay on his bed. He sits next to me and pats his chest signaling for me to lay with him. I scoot to him as he puts on a Harry Potter movie, knowing it'll comfort me. I fell asleep in his arms after the first movie and mid way through the second.

I love this boy.


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