Part 6. (First day filming)

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I woke up around 7:30 this morning. I had to be out the door by 10 to film. I got up and did very light makeup, they were gonna do more anyways..i think. Since Mason and I are filming together, we're gonna be taking the same car. Im so nervous..what if i mess up? Or do please the directors? " Stop y/n..your making it worse" I thought to myself. I headed out to the kitchen, it's 8:06 now. I go to the fridge and grab a water bottle, and a granola bar, now sitting at the kitchen island. I eat my granola bar and drink half my water when I hear somebody behind me. " SHIT" I hear somebody yell. I turn around to see who it is and see Tristan, Brady, and Miguel looking around the main area of the living room. " What is going on?" I ask the boys. " Miguel thought it would be a good idea to lose his phone 10 minutes before we need to leave" Brady replied. " Why don't you call it?" I ask. " Good idea..yet neither me or Tristan have our phones on us." Brady said with a sarcastic smile " then I'll call it, Miguel what's your number?" I ask. Miguel looked at me out of breath "xxx-xxx-xxxx" he says as I type it in. I start calling it having it on speaker at first then taking it off knowing that it's ringing. All of our heads turn towards the dining room table and see a phone lit up on it. " Im so stupid." Miguel says grabbing his phone. " I think we know" Tristan says speaking for the rest of us.

I laugh at his comment and turn around back to my phone. 9:36, i get up and go check on mason whos still asleep. " MASON. " I yell causing him to wake up. " WHAT HOLY SHIT" he yells back " YOU HAVE TWENTY SIX MINUTES BEFORE WE NEED TO LEAVE." I say causing him to jump up and start getting ready. I go back to the kitchen island and wait for him to get ready. I haven't seen the girls since yesterday..i hope their okay. Maybe they just started working earlier? I'll text Maddie later. Coincidentally I then received a text..


UN: Hey y/n.
Who's this?: y/n
UN: good luck on your first day filming.
Thanks..whos this??:y/n
UN: Miguel.
Oml, cabezon dont text me without telling me who you are : y/n

* Unknown number was changed to Cabezon 💪*
Miguels phone-* number was changed to y/n🦋*

It was 9:50 when Mason finally finished and was ready to get out the door. " let's go!!" Mason says running to the door. I shot up grabbing my bag and key card and followed after him. We run to the elevator and Mase starts frantically pressing the lobby button. " calm down.." I mumble and he ignores me. We get to the lobby and run outside to our cab. Mason runs in and i follow after him with a sigh of relive. " Next time Mase, don't sleep over your alarm." I tease him. He scoffs and smiles at me. " Im so nervous.." I say starting a conversation. " Don't be..your gonna be fine. I promise." He says touching my shoulder for recognition.

Eventually we get to set and realize that it wasn't just me and Mason, it was Miguel, Maddie and a unfamiliar face. I turn to mason " Who's that?" I ask pointing at the taller boy with puffy brown hair. "He plays moose. Not sure of his name " He replied. " Mason, Y/n, go to page 3. It's robin and moose 2nd fight" The director demanded.

I went to my trailer and got my outfit and makeup for the scene. I get back to set and we start the take. The scene starts as Maddie, Mason, and I are walking to school together. We hear the extras screaming 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT' and We pick up the pace running towards the scene. Of course they weren't actually fighting. " HOLY shit" Maddie yelled. We stand their for a little" Lets go" Mason says grabbing our shirts and walking to the other side of set. We see Miguel pretend to punch moose and throw him against a gate kicking his back. " Learned your lesson yet, pendejo?" He says looking down at the nearly unconscious boy then walking back to his bag and off the set.

We then got to the school scenes. Miguel caught up with us. " Hey finn, who's this" he asks looking at me. "Im me Sam." I reply making eye contact with him. (Holyyy shittt id die right there😵) He smiles and nods, now walking with us to school. Mason and Maddie walk off set until next scene. " What do you have first?" He asked looking at me. " Uhm.." I look down at my schedule. " Math..Mr.Nelson." I say looking up at him " too, I'll walk with you" I look up at him with a smile and nod. We then walked off set. " Holy shit y/n! Your first scene with no fuck ups..proud best friend moment" Mason exclaimed. " Thanks mase. Wasnt as bad as i thought." I say getting a drink of water.
-the boys are filming so your on break with maddie-
" Why is it so hot?" I ask sitting in my chair because I'm not in this scene. " Y/n/n your wearing khakis and a sweater.." Maddie says laughing " I know but look at Mase! He's in JEANS..JEANS!!" I say sarcastically.
A/n- this is the same setting as the 1st movie and it's outside the school near were robin and moose fought in the 1st. And if you don't know, Y/n/n is your Nick name- j💞
-Time skip to after filming-
They finally wrapped up filming for today. " Holy shit im tired" Miguel says as he washes the fake blood off his hands. " I know right..cant believe i got kidnapped already." I say laughing. " You did great kid!" I hear Ethan hawk yell me as he walked past. " Oh my god..actually fan girling right now" I say hysterically looking at Miguel. " He was like my idol for awhile" I say replying to the confused look he gave me.

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