☁️ Hes an idiot, but I love him 😳

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Ok, this is another Dorian x Reader cause it was requested, a lot. (Requested by @Rayluvsbelphine to be exact) And yes, the reader is a female again. This one is gonna be a mix of fluff and smut. (Sorry the smuts not going to go super far) This one is kinda gonna be going off the last one so consider it like a part two?? Also you guys know how I said I wasn't gonna do these often? Well that changed. Ok, thats enough talking, enjoy the chapter my lovelies! <3

- Reader POV -

I awoke to yet another day in the castle, except it was a winter wonderland outside. Everything was covered in snow, it was quite beautiful. I got up and went to get ready as always, getting dressed, doing make up, doing hair, and little finishing touches. I headed downstairs to eat breakfast as usual with everyone nowhere I bumped into Dorian on the way there. "Oh! Hello again Dorian!" I smiled, I noticed him flush up a little bit. "Oh, hello [Name]. How are you?" "I'm quite alright. How about you?" "I'm great, thanks you." "Would you like to come to breakfast with me?" "Sure!" We headed to breakfast talking about what had been going on lately. As we reached the dining hall it was nearly empty except for the food. "Seems like everyone beat us to breakfast." "Oh! Dorian, don't you have teaching today?" "Surprisingly not, I get the day off today!" "That sounds fun, what are you planning on doing with your day off?" The question seemed to puzzle Dorian, and he stood and thought about it for a moment. "I'm not quite sure actually. Say, are you busy today?" "I don't believe so, why do you ask?" "Well, do you wanna spend the day with me?" I blushed at the thought of spending the day with my crush but it would give me an opportunity to strengthen our bond. "Sure."

After eating we headed out into town to look around a bit. We had coats on as not to freeze. We were out there for a while looking at things at stands and shops. While walking I noticed a woman sitting on the ground of an alleyway in nothing but a thin blanket. It seemed like she was holding something.. I walked over and realized she was holding a child. The boy seemed like a toddler. I took off my coat and handed in to the woman. "Here." The woman's eyes lit up. "Are you sure miss? I wouldn't want you to freeze!" "I'll be quite alright, I enjoy the cold." The woman gracefully accepted the coat and thanked me a hundred times. "Bless you madam.." I smiled as I walked back over to Dorian. "Your going to freeze!" "I'll be fine! It's not even that c-cold." I tried to brush it off but Dorian wouldn't let me. I watched as he took off his coat and handed it to me. "Take it." I stared at him blankly. "Just take the coat!" I took it and put it on, the coat was warm and fuzzy, it was really comforting. "What about you?" "I have a sweater on don't worry, besides we're heading back to the palace soon." Dorian wasn't wrong, we were heading back to the palace soon.

- Time Skip -

We had finally reached the palace, and headed inside. We headed to the royal library and relaxed there for a bit before returning to our separate rooms. I took a shower before changing into a more comfortable gown. I heard a knock at the door and walked over. "Who is it?" I said before opening the door. "Oh! Hello Dorian. What brings you here?" "Well, uh I just wanted to, talk to you!" Dorian was obviously nervous or something but I decided to ignore it. "Well then.. come in!" Dorian walked in and merely looked around. "So? Be honest, Dorian. What's up?" I had known Dorian for ages and he was obviously acting weird. "What do you mean..?" Dorian wasn't very good at lying, and when he did it was easy to tell. "Lying to the princess? How rude!" I claimed sarcastically. I didn't get much out of him except for a slight *sigh*. I walked up closer to him about to ask again when I realized how tall he was. Dorian was towering over me! "Please tell me?" I tried to put on the sweetest face but that wasn't enough to convince him to talk. "Ugh.. fine." I beamed with happiness as he sat on the bed, with nothing thing but an exhale. "Ok (Name), listen, I've known you for years and well.. Ive loved being friends and all but, I want to be more than that." I sat down next to him as he struggled to speak simple words, my heart pounding inside my chest. "Ok, here goes nothing, (name), I really like you! More than just a friend, over the years I've gained feeling for you. Whether it's how you put others before yourself, how you keep strong through it all, your absolutely amazing! I understand if you don't feel the same way, and if you don't then I hope we can remain close friends."

- Dorian POV -

I looked away after my terrible attempt at a love confession. I was about to scold myself when I heard a slight laugh, not a cruel laugh but a soft one. "Dorian, to be honest, I feel the complete same way. Your absolutely amazing and I didn't think you were going to like me back being honest!" My heart nearly jumped out of my chest as I saw her form the sweetest and softest smile I had ever seen. I smiled back and he kind of just sat there for a moment. "So does this mean that we're.. a thing?" I ask stupidly. "Does this answer your question?" "Wait wha-?" As I turned to look at her she pressed her lips onto mine. My eyes widened and I was stunned to how incredibly smooth she made that move. After a moment or two the kiss got deeper and deeper. We just sat there making out until (name) stopped and got up. "You alright..?" "Yes" she said while locking the door. "I wouldn't want anyone to walk in on us." This woman was too good for me.

- Reader POV along with time skip -

I sat up to sun beaming through the windows of my room. I sat up looking over to see Dorian sleeping next to me. (yes they did it and I'm not writing that) I stopped for a moment only to realize what we did. "Fuck.." I mumbled to myself, too flustered to say anything else. I notice Dorian wake up and look around, also taking a moment to process what was going on at the moment. "Wait.. OH MY GOSH!" He put a hand over his mouth flushing red. "Good morning to you too." I was too tired to act sweet at the moment. We both froze the moment we heard a knock at the door. "Excuse me princess?" I inhaled a large breath. "Yes?" "You seem to have woken up late. We tried to wake you up on time however the door to your chambers was locked!" I exhaled while face palming myself. "I understand, however I am awake now and will be out shortly!" "Yes your highness!" I waited until I heard them walk away from the door and then grabbed a robe from my dresser and wrapping it around myself so I wasn't walking around naked.

I was about to get ready when I realized I had almost forgot about Dorian. *sigh* "Dorian you should probably go, and try not to get caught." He nodded while grabbing his clothes from wherever the heck they were. I watched him walk out and rush off before slamming the door. "gotta admit, he's an idiot, but I still love him." I said with a smile on my face as I headed off to get ready for the day.

OMIGOSH HELLO. ITS BEEN AGES SINCE I LAST WROTE OR PUBLISHED SOMETHING. About that, I'm really sorry for not being on here for like a month or two was it? School has been even more stressful and I ended up hating everything I used to love doing for an entire fucking month. Anyways, I hope you guys can forgive me and I hope you have an amazing morning, day, or night lovelies! <3

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