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You're quick backstory-

You grew up with fire abilities, you lived with other fire users but what was weird was you're fire was different from theirs it was a different colour and seemed to be more powerful, everybody seemed to think you were awesome because of it. Even so, you were still quite the loner. You only seemed to talk to a couple people. One day one of your people, your mother, asked to see you if private. You agreed.

You and her went to a quiet place, and she began to speak to you about you're fire and how it was special, and it was a fire that almost no one had. It was the Solaris flame. One of the lost rare types of fire. She had told you to stay hidden from any types of different people, like anyone out of the village. So you listened. Making sure to stay cautious and not use your fire often.

Current time-
Y/n pov:

"Hey that's cheating!" I said to you're friend. He had hit me with a hard punch while I was grabbing something out of my bag. "Nuh-uh!" He said back, laughing.

After a couple more hours of training, we cleared out, heading our separate ways, I walked home. As soon as I got home I went to get something to eat. Afteri had eaten a snack, I walked around, then went outside to the woods alone. I was told many times not to go alone because something bad could happen, but did I listen, nope! I didn't believe them I mean I always went out there so I just believed it was okay, I mean there's only trees amd animals for miles.

I walked to the beautiful forest, and sat down, leaning against a tree trunk, I closed my eyes, listening around me. I sat there for what felt like a while. It was quite fun. Then I heard a twig snap. I just thought it was an animal, but then it's footsteps were closer and heavier. I noticed that it was a person. It walked on 2 legs, I wasn't sure if it was human though.. So I waited. Getting more and more nervous as every second that passed.

Then I heard a kind of raspy voice, "Hey, who are you, and what are you doing out here?" I was assuming that this "it" was a male demon, which might be the reason I'm not supposed come here. I nervously sat there pretended to be asleep. "I know you're awake, you're breathing really fast~" He said chuckling deeply.

I opened my eyes staring at his glowing red eyes, my eyes widened at how he stood so close to me. I got up pushing him away from me, and running back to the village. I knew it was a bad idea to run but it was the first thing that came to my mind. I laid in my bed, trying so hard to sleep, yet I couldn't stop thinking about his red eyes. His eyes were abnormal. The part that's supposed to be white was black, and his eyes were glowing, and menacing..

I finally fell asleep waking up an hour later and completely erasing the event from my mind, I grabbed a snack and thought maybe meeting up with him and talking with him wouldn't be that bad. So I went back to the forest, amd sat at the same spot.
I started to hum to myself. As I closed my eyes once again.

After a little bit I heard the familiar voice, "Hey, will you atleast tell me who you are, and what you can do, I know you can do something." He said menacingly. I opened my eyes looking up at him, "Hello.." I said softly. He chuckled. "I'm Y/n, and I'm of the fire village." I answered staring up at him as he stared down at me. "Hmmm, what type of fire?" He asked suspiciously. "Well uhm.. I have this special kind, but that doesn't matter just Phoenix flame." I answered truthfully.

He looked at me amused, with a raised eyebrow, I'm assuming wanting to know about my fire. "Well, uhm I have Solaris flames.." I saw him smile widely, "Oh really??" He asked. I looked at him nervously at the way he looked at me, he looked insane. "Uhm yeah." I heard my name from the village. "I'm sorry I have to go, Bye!" I said, running to the village and to my house jumping in my window and going into my bed.

---after a few months of meeting up with him---

It was just another night of hanging out with Framton, after the first night he told me his name, and alot about himself. I was going to see him tonight, but first I was gonna go handout with my friend, F/n, me and him were gonna go to train kinda.

After me amd him trained, I went to my house, it was pretty late so I left. Making my way to the forest happy to see Framton again. I walked up to the tree I usually meet him at, and saw him sitting in the tree, I blushed slightly, "Hey, Framton!" I said looking up at him. He opened his eyes then looked down at me, "Hey there." He answered back sleepily.

"Why are you so tired?" I asked giggling slightly. "I'm so tired cause I Waite so long for you!" He said jumping down from the tree branch, and  standing in front of me. He just stared into my eyes, and I got nervous. He spoke up, "Yknow I really wanted to devour you when we first met, but I just can't seem to be able to hurt you in way." He said still staring into my eyes.

"Why not?" I asked teasingly. "You're just for some reason special, I can't seem to take my eyes off you, and I feel sad when you're not around." He answered now breaking our eye contact to look at the ground. I stared at him before blushing a deep red.. I turned around nervously. "Oh- really?" I asked still blushing.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked sighing awkwardly. "N-NO!" I said a little louder than I meant to. "Oh. Ok." He chuckled. "Are you blushing?" He asked with another laugh. "N-no.." I answered still not looking at him. "Then look at me?" He asked but said at the same time.

I turned around knowing my face was red. He laughed at me. "Aww, you're always so cute when you laugh!" I said flirtingly just to see if I could get him to be flustered.

"Aww thanks!" He said chuckling, "that won't work on me~" He said Teasing me further.

I went up to him, "why...why, did you keep me alive?" I asked slowly looking up into his eyes. He looks at me emotionless. "Because when I'm with you, I feel special. I feel like I'm more alive, and you're energy it makes me feel so powerful."

He said chuckling again. I moved my face up towards his face stopping as my face was super close to his. "What are you doing, why did you stop?" He asked teasingly. He pushed his lips onto mine impatiently. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We kissed for a couple minutes taking breathes here and there, then I broke the kiss, "I.. uhm like you.." I said nervously.
"I like you too, idiot" He said laughing.

I wonder how I'm gonna tell my family, I thought to myself.

"Mmm you taste better than any fire I've tasted" He said Teasing me about the taste of my mouth.

The end!

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