"Well, that happened pt 2*

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 Smol recap: ""Because I can, ching- chong," America chortled.

"So should I call you fatass gun addict?" China shot back.

America's ear twitched backwards.

"Heh, I like your creativity." He said, smiling psychotically.

Both of them shot insults back in forth, before the two began to talk over one another. On past incidents, past people, and others, but it slowly got violent.

It started with them slapping one another, then turned to shoving, then eventually to a full out fight. Russia, who had been standing there the entire time, tried to scoot past the escalating battle, but inevitably failed. 

Eventually students began to stop and watch what happened. Most cheers were for America, but a few betted on China.

By few I mean very few.

Back to the fight tho.

America raised his hand and landed a crisp smack on China's right cheek (not that cheek, you dirty minded freaks), which earned him a scratch to the jaw, sending drips of blood spiraling to the ground. 

~back to the class~ 

The teacher stopped typing for a second. They looked around at the class, the few who had finished were reading a book, one of the few was Canada.

"Canada, could you go check on Russia, America and China and see what's going on?" The teacher asked, attempting to keep the worry out of their voice. The only thing that betrayed that was tair tail, which was puffed up with fear.

Canada nodded and left the room. As he walked down the hallway, cheers echoed through the building.

'No, no no no! Not again!' He muttered to himself as he walked down the hallway, his tail thickened with floof to show his fear and worry for his brother. Just as he had feared, China and America had been fighting with Russia in the background watching with an expressionless gaze, except the flicker of worry every time America received a blow.

 Canada's eyes widened when he saw the bloody scene, and he instantly ran over to try and break it up. 

"GUYS! BREAK IT UP!" he shouted, but China and America were locked together in a gruesome fight and rolling on the ground, screeching as they fought. Both their tails were puffed up, and both had their claws out.

Canada attempted to reach into the fight, but when he did he received a stinging, deep scratch to his hand.

He knew America wouldn't want this, but he seemed to have no choice. If he didn't, one of them might not return home that day.  

He sprinted from the bathroom to the class and got the teacher to follow. Once they both arrived, the teacher, Jeremy, themselves was even surprised at the amount of blood.

They paused, and yelled at the two to stop. Inevitably, the two didn't. 

Jeremy glanced at Canada and told him to get the principal while they tried to continue to break it up.

"Guys, I told you to break it-" they were cut off by a splatter of crimson blood on their face. They instantly grabbed a paper towel and wiped it off, though they could still taste the iron in their mouth.

Eventually. The principal arrived and broke it up. Both countries were sent to nurse then to the principals office, along with Russia, as a witness. Russia and China were both present for the rest of the day, while American had been sent home.

♤616 words approximately.♤ 

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