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Prompt: Dream and George got into a pretty bad argument, and things got worse.

TW: blood, angst, needles?

No one's POV

George had enough with this.

He had enough with Dream being occupied most of the time, leaving George to sometimes sleep alone in their shared bed, even getting no affection or even just a simple hug.

Dream keeps saying it's "something important" or "he needs to be alone". Being busy with streaming, editing, family stuff, etc.

This leaves George to mostly do all the chores in the house.

He's so tired with these excuses, so he decided to confront him about this.


George barged in Dream's studio room, without even knocking.

He saw him streaming.

"wha- George? What are you-"

"Dream, we need to talk" George said, sternly

"maybe later, George? I'm kinda in the middle-"

"no, it has to be now"

Chat was spamming fast with questions.

"Dream, what's going on with you lately??" George asked, now angry

Dream saw George's facial expression then quickly turned his pc off, without even waving goodbye to chat.

"what do you mean-?"

"what do i mean??" George scoffed "do you not realize you never left time for me anymore. How you're always busy. And you even ignore me wherever i am in the house??"

Dream was speechless, but decided to talk back.

"but George, i was busy-" George stopped him

"oh, I'm SO busy" he mimicked "when are YOU not busy huh, Dream?"

Dream was now getting angry at how George could argue something so stupid.

"how am i supposed to answer that, George?? How am i supposed to know if something came up, huh??"

"I-... I can't with you right now"

George stomped out of the room.

"where are you going??" Dream shouted

"somewhere away from you" George stormed downstairs


Dream was able to grab George's arm before he went out the door.

He wouldn't thought that George was this mad at him. They had arguments before, but those were not too serious.

"why can't you just be a good boyfriend for once??" George shouted

"why can't you just understand that i cant be with you when I'm doing something??"

"then you shouldn't be with me" George whispered


It got too heated. They both got so mad that they didn't hesitate to say the next thing without even thinking of the consequences.

"you know what?? My life would be better if i didn't have to deal with such a sensitive and useless boyfriend!"

"Well, my life would be so much better if i hadn't met you! You piece of shit!"

Dream paused, realizing what he said.

Tears pricked in George's eyes. He knew he didn't meant what he said but, the way he said it...

"George, i-i..." Dream tried to approach George but, he ran out the door.

He wanted to avoid Dream at that moment.

"George!! Wait-"

He wanted to apologize, he wasn't thinking when he said that.

In George's head, he thinks that maybe Dream's right, he's not caring, loving, understanding, and he doesn't deserve Dream-

Dream realized it's too late when a range rover driving by fast, hitting George on the side.

At that moment of the hit, Dream saw an insane amount of blood come out of George's mouth, and he ended up being driven under the car, when the car stopped at late timing.

Then he passed out lying on the road.


Dream rushed over. Then the driver walked out of the car.

"he- he just came out of nowhere"

Dream carried George's body and rushed him to his car. He quickly got his car keys and sped up to the hospital.

A nurse greeted him at the entrance. They immediately took George and placed him on a patient's bed.

Dream was trying to wake George up the whole time, but he was pushed away when he was taken to the ER.


Dream was pacing back and forth in the waiting room. He saw the nurse from earlier and said that George is now put in a room; he can go visit him now.

He slowly approached the door where behind George is. He opened the door...

He was shocked, and he didn't know tears were starting to form in his eyes.

George laid limply on the bed, he was attached to wires that pinned him down.

Then, Dream saw one thing that made him broke down.

Fucking life support.

Dream closed the door and sat next to his bed.

He stared at George, his eyes landed on his hand. He held it and started to whisper "sorry's" and "i love you's" to his ear over and over again.


Dream didn't know that his words could affect George's life when
the line fell flat after a few hours.

He sobbed. He took his hand, and squeezed it, expecting to feel one of his fingers moving, but nothing.

When the doctors were done removing the wires and tubes, Dream didn't waste a second to hug him tight and cry on his shoulder.

He felt horrible, considering those words he said were the last words George had ever heard.

"I'm sorry George, I'm so so sorry. I love you so much" Dream placed a kiss on his forehead. "I'm sorry..."


Dream stood at George's grave, he placed a bouquet of his favorite flowers on it.

His last hug with George was a few months ago, he missed it so much.
His skin will eventually forget his touch, but his brain will always keep the memory of him and George together.

Dream took one last look at the grave writing before leaving.

"always loved...
forever missed...
never forgotten...
I love you so much, George Davidson."

(time to cry- *sobs*)

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