Season 1 - Chapter 2: The orphanage

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Today is the happiest day of their lives. They will adopt someone in the orphanage

Both of them went to the orphanage to adopt a kid. They found Strawberry Crepe and they had a conversation.

Pastry: Hello, im Pastry and what's your name?

Strawberry Crepe: My name is "Strawberry Crepe" but you can call me "Crepe"

Red Velvet: I like your name, it's very nice

Strawberry Crepe: Thank you

Pastry: How old are you?

Strawberry Crepe: I'm 11 years old. I was 10 years old when I became an orphan

Pastry: Oh.. do you mind me asking why you became an orphan?..

Strawberry Crepe: I don't mind but i'll tell you why i became an orphan. When I was 10 years old, my parents died because our house was set on fire...

Red Velvet: That's horrible....

Pastry: Yeah but you are lucky because you survived

Strawberry Crepe: But i am not lucky to have them as my parents..

Red Velvet and Pastry: Why?

Strawberry Crepe: They were very abusive and sometimes they fight. My father was an dr_g addict and my mom cheats on him

Red Velvet: We're very sorry to hear that, Crepe

Strawberry Crepe: It's fine, at least they're not here to hurt me anymore

While they were having an conversation, Sister Cherry came to ask Red Velvet and Pastry if they had decided who to adopt. They decided to adopt Strawberry Crepe.

Sister Cherry: So, have you guys decide who to adopt? if you guys had decide already please come with me

Red Velvet: okay

Both of them followed Sister Cherry.

Sister Cherry: Well.. it seems like you guys are getting along, so do you guys want to adopt her?

Pastry and Red Velvet: Yes

Sister Cherry: Before you guys sign the adoption paper, i have more things to tell you about them

Pastry: Oh okay..

Sister Cherry: Strawberry Crepe is a person who's ambivert, which means a person whose personality has a balance of Extrovert and Introvert Features

Red Velvet: Hmm..

Sister Cherry: and they're soft hearted so please don't yell at them because it would hurt their feelings...

Pastry: Don't worry, Sister. We won't yell at them

Sister Cherry: Sounds great. Please sign the adoption paper

Red Velvet: Alright *takes out pen and signs the adoption paper* you're next *gives the pen to Pastry*

Pastry: *Takes the pen and signs the adoption paper*

After that..

After they adopt Strawberry Crepe, they went home.

Strawberry Crepe: Wow! this house looks nice

Pastry: Come with us! we're going to show you your new room! *takes Strawberry Crepe's hand*

Strawberry Crepe: I'm excited!

Let's call them Crepe this time. All of them went to Crepe's new room.

Strawberry Crepe: Wow! This room looks amazing!

Pastry: We also got you a pet

Strawberry Crepe: Really?

Pastry: Yes!

Red Velvet: Wait give me a second... here!

Strawberry Crepe: He looks so cute! i'll name him "Blueberry"

Red Velvet: That's a nice name

Pastry: Wanna explore the whole house?

Strawberry Crepe: Sure!

They started showing everything to Crepe.. well it seems like Crepe is having fun with their new parents.

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