the team

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As moony keeps chasing tree around the city it led her to a home by the sea
and an object named bottle starts dancing and takes loots and hopped over another object named pen and sees pie watching baking videos and bottle says this
Bottle:what's that your watching
Pie:it's called baking
Bottle:c'mon that's too classic let's watch football to see who wins the game
Pen:I'm getting hungry you said that pie
Until an object named pillow comes in
Pillow:hey you got the food pen
Pen:omg not yet
Pillow:pen why you didn't get food it's your turn to get the food
And sausages were on there feets and tree comes up
Tree:feeling hungry today team tree is here to give you sausages
Bottle and black hole:yeah sausages thanks tree
Pillow:great food choice bro
Pen:I guess I won't get the food
Tree:well while were eating I will tell you a story
Tree:in the city named object city so crowded that it's so loud the sausages are sizzling and an object named tree
While explaining the story a figure walks to the crack of the roof it was moony listening and this is what she heard
Tree:he was chilling out he saw an object with razor sharp claws and razor sharp teeth and all gray and purple eyes and she comes up and-
*Plank breaks*
As the team started to panic and they were scared on what's in there

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