As they cross the road they found a car with a 12 year old girl named Erin and the team planned something and moony is with bottle to mess the wires and pie plays dead and tree,pillow, pen,black hole,remote and liy watches what happened and the driver heard a bump and pie was playing dead and bottle and moony went in quick and bottle messes the wires
Moony:um why are we doing this
Bottle:so we can get you a new home
And bottle gets electrocuted by a wire and Erin went in and found moony and said
Erin:hey mr I found a lost object
Mr marvin:oh that's nice unless we can feed her
Erin:c'mon let's take you home
And bottle flew out of the car completely black and smoke comes out and tree said
Tree:oh come on now we need to get her back to us
Pillow:we should follow the car
Pen:sure we can
And they follow the car to a house and tree said
Tree:tomorrow we will take moony back she will come back to us
Liy:yeah we will get her back
moony and company
AdventureA gray object named moony as she runs around chasing an object named tree and she is on a quest to find a home but evil moony and ivory circle and maroon rectangle stops her