the plan and the end

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soon the camera zooms in out of the house before swirling as it pans out out the pumpkin patch as the music tracks back words as everything disappears in the backward swirl. before the old house were the big kids tricked Hannah into is shown as a zoom in on top is shown before chimney as everything goes dark before the inside of the old house is shown before Katie is shown outside looking threw the dusted window for any sign of Hannah before she turns to jimmy while something fast past by the window in side as she turned" jimmy we gonna get in so much trouble seriously" she tells him worried she was wearing a black cat custom.

jimmy is shown on the porch thinking with Daryl and Bert behind them both dressed as a piece of candy and a modified SUV" alright I have a plan as leader I order you guys to go in there and bring out the baby " making his friends all look at him with fear.

"your the leader" she starts him just as max's head pops up side down behind her" you go in there and bring out the baby" she retorted with a glare just as max disappeared.

the other two boys behind jimmy nod there heads in agreement while jimmy mockingly looks down" okay we'll all go" he then pops back up with a smile making the boys behind him disagree.

after a few minutes of arguing soon the front door is shown opening with a creak as the big kids are shown huddled together. as a span of the house is shown of the inside before it rest on Orson who was just standing there casually " who the heck are you" jimmy's voice is heard before he is shown with the group as he crossed his arms" and what are you doing here"

Orson then introduces him self" hi I'm Orson. I'm a vampire" before wiggling his fangs up and down to prove he was.

" I'm jimmy. I'm the devil" jimmy introduced with quotation marks with his hands." happy Halloween" thinking Orson was just wearing a custom.

while this was going on Vlad and vixen were shown hiding deep with in the shadows watching as everything plays out but jimmy had the bright idea to insult Orson about not being a real vampire. Orson glared with his beady red eyes "I'm gonna tell my dad you said I wasn't a real vampire." jimmy smirked not taking his threat real" go ahead. tell your mom to" he taunts Orson who turned where his parents are hiding while Vlad slowly glides over getting ready for their main entrance " MOM! DAD! VLAD!" he calls out to them when all three slowly glide against the floor out of the shadows making the big kids stare with in shock as they stared up at them. " darling , son. stop me if yawl heard this one before four naughty kids walk into a spooke house" he starts the joke off "and" "what then farther" they said wanting to know what happens next. max then glares evilly at the kids who were shaking " then we eat them of curse!" he says evilly as his eldest sun smirks showing his fangs" oh now you tell the funny joke" she says until they both give her a look before all three his at them as a close up of there fangs are shown as the big kids run away scared.

vixen watches from the shadow as they run into a lap that skully disguised him self as so when they pulled on his arm to turn on the light this happens. "click. click. click" jimmy pulled his arm three times before they froze as they turned around slowly when he pulled the sheet off his head before he started to sing and dance" you'll well, you'll eat, gonna serve you four kids on a plate" he ends the song with a big finished as the big kids clapped before he holds out a hand to Katie who grabbed it but he literally fell to pieces as they scream more before running away they jump back with fright when vixen jumped out of the shadows hisses at them causing another round of screams as they turned the other way running.

they then smacked right into harry who went to do his line but then saw one of the kids dressed as candy " candy!" he said with excitement before going all crazy making the kids scream more as the poop boy runs around scared shouting as harry held onto his back before scary godmother pops out of nowhere as her little bat wings flapped keeping her afloat " hurry my minions we must capture them before they reach the safety of the basement" she acted dramatically as she dived down on them as they scream while she laughed wickedly.

"basement" they all shout as all they monsters in the room beside harry pointed at the basement before the kids took off running making harry smack into the top of the door fame falling to the ground with a thud as the basement door closed. while the kids gone all the monsters' cheered for the performance they all put on. the basement door is shown as jimmy can be heard breathing hard as they all hide in the dark basement" were safe we made it." the only thing that can be seen is four pairs of floating eyes since there is no light while they argue they didn't know that bugaboo was down there with them none of them could hear the heavy breathing behind them. jimmy's eyes then snap to Daryl " Daryl I cant think with you breathing down my neck" jimmy's voice says as the other three pears of eyes go wide as they look towards him. " a jimmy I'm right over her " his voice is heard just before multiple eyes are shown opening one by one behind all them." boo" a deep voice whispers behind them just before a flash light is shown on them as they all scream eyes wide as bugaboo squints his eyes cause of the light. before Hannah is shown alright at the top of the basement stairs with the flash light " follow" me she says as bugaboo acted scared of the flash light the other rush up the stairs but jimmy stops by Hannah as he grubbed her shoulders eyes still wide" save me Hannah" he begged before rushing after the others.

they all then appear in the arch way of the basement door with Hannah at the ready with the flash light. first one to appear was scully as he roared dramatically before the light shunned on him " goodness what a harsh light gak I'm expired" as he dramatically fell to the floor they run past skully only to run into vixen next as she hissed before the same thing happed as the light is shunned on her" oh no not the light!" she gasp dramatically as she falls to the floor as they rush past her while she smirks on the ground. then they run into the vampires a they all floated hissing when Hannah secretly winked before they to the ground before a light is shown on them starting with max first." noo! not the light of a little lamp i cant not take it" he dramatically cry's as he hold a hand up before it fall. then it was ruby's and Vlad's turn " ooh nore can we ,we withered , we burn" they dramatically cry as both fell to the ground before the light shown on Orson next "oh yeah" he says before dramatically acting as he fell to ground as if he was in pain. they are rushed past them into scary godmother who dramatically acted as if she was melting when the light shown on her before they rush past her screaming now harry was the only thing now between them and the door.

they stop in front of harry as Hannah shined her flash light on him "look how that light radiated out at my accountants" he dramatically asked before motioning Hannah to shine her light on him. when it does he dramatically acted ounce more" its just to much for me and my soul the light burns" while scary godmother was shown on the floor signaling him to wrap it up.

" ohm alright I die, I flail then i die" he dramatic act before making a frozen face with his tounge hanging out as he fell to the ground with a thud. as they others rushed out of the doors screaming Hannah stopped just at the door turning back to the monsters who have become her friends" thank you everybody" she thanks as they set up sharing a smile with her before they all bid her a good bye until next Halloween or when she really needed to come to the fright side as scary godmother gives her a skeleton king.

soon they all fell down acting dead again when jimmy rushed back in to Hannah " would you mind holding my hand know in case you get scared that is" he asked her before coughing as he acted tough before a nervous smile forms on her face." not at all jimmy" as she turned back to her new friends ounce more before leaving with jimmy.

ounce they were gone everyone got up chatting happily about how the plan worked so well before Vlad is shown walking over to vixen " you know you looked pretty fierce there just a moment ago" he tells her with a smirk as he put his hands into his front jean pockets.

vixen just looked amused up at him " you didn't do to bad your self Mr. hissing fangs" she slight teased before he playfully glares at her before she squeals running when he chases her around the spooke house living room while Orson and all the adults watch with found smiles at the two before the front doo closes on them rending everything darkness.    

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