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It was around 3 pm...

I sat in the car, while Jimin started the engine.

"Where do you live?" Jimin asked all of a sudden.


He rolled his eyes. "Duh! I'm gonna drop you idiot!"

"Oh!" I blinked my eyes a few times. I told him the address, and he began driving.

The ride was quite. None of us spoke a word. I looked outside the window, while my hair flew dramatically with the cool breeze.

After a long time, as we were about the reach, something caught my attention.

I widened my eyes in excitement and shouted,

"Jimin! Stop the car!"

He abruptly stopped the car, and looked at me with shocked and confused expressions.

"What happened?"

"Just 5 minutes! I'll be back!" I said quickly and got out of the car. I stormed towards the beautiful sight in front of me.


Jimin's POV:

I watched her running towards the children's park.

I chuckled lightly while shaking my head. I got off the car, while locking the doors.

I followed her.

There were few children, who were playing in the park at the dusk. Many huge slides, swings, seesaws and food courts were located around. There was a huge colorful fountain, which was situated in the center.

The park was mesmerizing.

"Hey jimin!" I came out of my thoughts, and looked at y/n, who was happily swinging on one of the swings. He waved her hand and gestured me to come.

I smiled and walked towards her. I went behind her slowly, and pushed her a little, which fastened her speed on the swing.

"Yeah yeah! More!" She laughed.

I rolled up my sleeves and when she swung towards me, I pushed again. This time, she went more further.

"Yay!" She squealed in excitement.

I walked to her side and watched her, whiile folding my arms and resting my shoulder on the side bars.

She was really happy and excited, just like a small baby. Her hair flew with the direction of the wind and her eyes were shining. I could admit, she looked beautiful at that time.

I couldn't help, but stare at her. I couldn't believe that the girl infront of me was a tomboy, who the school feared or whatever.

"Done staring at me?"

I broke out of the thoughts, and looked at her, who stood infront of me mimicking my pose.

I rolled my eyes.

"Who would stare at a shorty like you?"

Her eyes widened and she threw a punch on my face. But before she could hit me, I held her wrist.

She looked at me and struggled to get her hand off mine.

"Leave, you nerd!" She spoke.

Her angry but cute expressions made me chuckle. Before she could react, I pulled her and her body crashed onto mine.

I stared into her brown eyes, and she did the same. My eyes scanned her face. Her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, her lips...

My eyes were stuck on her glossy lips, which were slightly open. Just then, I felt a sharp pain on my waist, just like someone pinching me.

"Ouch!" I winced in pain and left her hands.

She broke into laughter. I rolled my eyes, while rubbing my waist.

"This is what happens when you mess with me!" She grinned and headed towards the car.

I sighed and followed her.

End of Jimin's POV


Back to Y/n's POV:

Jimin walked with me, while we chatted about random things, as we were about to reach the car.

Shit! I forgot about something!

I looked at my wrist watch,

6.30 pm

I had to meet Rose, after school! I mentally slapped myself.


He turned to look back at me.

"Can you please drop me to Rose's house? I'll tell you the address."

"Sure" He nodded.

After half an hour, we reached. I got out of the car, and my lips quickly curved up into a huge smirk.

I looked at him, who looked at me with raised eyebrows.

I grinned and leaned to the open window. He looked at me confused.

"What?" He asked.

I slowly took my phone out of my pocket. Found something, I faced the screen towards him.

His eyes widened, and my grin grew larger.

He reached his hands to snatch me phone, but in no time I backed off and shoved my phone in my pocket.

"What the hell y/n!"


"How could you do this?"

"Do what?" I smirked.

He let out a loud irritated sigh.

"How could you film me while driving?"

I laughed sarcastically. So, while we were heading towards the icecream cafe, I secretly filmed him driving...Yeah, because I had to!

"You know what, I believe in revenge. You thought I forgot about what happened today? Hell nah. So, yeah. This is my first proof."

He rolled his eyes, with a loud sigh.

"I'll show this video and let everyone know that..."

I came closer to the window, and whispered,

"Park Jimin, the nerd, cannot drive..."

He looked at me with shocked, yet angry eyes. He looked down and calmed himself down, before speaking again,

"Fine. But the game's not over yet..." he said, while biting his lower lip.

I rolled my eyes, and chuckled sarcastically.

"I'll get going then! Bye NERD!"


He rolled his eyes and drove off.

I texted mom that I'll stay at Rose's home tonight and she agreed.

I rang the bell, and waited while tapping my foot. Just then, I heard footsteps coming closer and the door opened revealing a teary Rose.

"What happened Rose?"

Before I could react, Rose threw her arms around me and hugged me. She sobbed loudly on my shoulders. I patted her back to calm her down.

"It's okay. I'm here. Tell me everything..."

After a while, she pulled out of the hug and wiped her tears. She nodded and took me upstairs, towards her room.

We entered the room. Her room was like always, pink walls, books, cute figures on the table, and everything tidied up.

But the bedsheet was crumbled, and the pillow was wet too. Did she really cry this much? What actually happened on that day?

We sat on the bed comfortably, when I spoke up,

"Now tell me, what happened?"

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