Chapter 5 - Conclusion

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Author's Note: And this is the end! Enjoy this final chapter, and thank you all so much for reading, voting, and/or commenting on this story! :D

~ Amina Gila

Kanan certainly didn't want to leave Ahsoka behind, but she made her point, no matter how he doesn't want to let her do it. All he and Ezra can do now is run.

He has no idea what the deal with Vader is now, but he's far beyond unsettled to see how obvious it was that the Sith... cares about people. People who were obviously his children, on top of that. And there's no doubt in his mind that this was once Anakin Skywalker, and he has no idea how to deal with that knowledge. Everyone looked up to Anakin. It doesn't make sense for him to have become this.

And what did Ahsoka mean, she created Vader?

His mind is whirling with so many questions, none of which he has the time to ask. He may never have a chance to get answers.

He heard that Sabine was captured from Ahsoka, and he can't deny his concern about what condition she'll be in. He... remembers too clearly what happened the last time he was near Mustafar, of all places in the galaxy, and he is not happy he ended up here again.

Hera and Zeb have already located Sabine, though, and they're already on the way out when Ezra and Kanan join up with them. The floor is trembling, quaking, and he has a very good idea what's happening; he really doesn't have time to stop and think. That's probably a good thing, though.

If he stops to think, he has no idea what'll happen. He... doesn't want to. Thinking would mean questioning everything he thought he knew about Vader, about the Sith, about everything. He didn't know Sith were capable of love, if Vader's obsession can truly be considered such.

"Are you alright?" Kanan asks, as soon as they make it clear of the castle, scrambling for the Ghost.

"Are you alright?" Hera replies, "We weren't sure what happened to you. We didn't know if you made it out okay."

"We're fine," Ezra promises, "What's this I heard about Sabine being captured?"

"He took me after I splattered his armor," she replies.

"Great job on that," Ezra cuts in.

"He wanted to know more about this World Between Worlds place, and I couldn't tell him anything. What is it?"

"It opens to the Multiverse," Kanan explains, looking her over. She seems okay, and he breaths a quiet sigh of relief. They all made it out again and... He has no idea what's going to happen to Ahsoka and Vader now. "We... accidentally ended up in another timeline."

"I don't even wanna know," Zeb declares.

"Another timeline," Hera repeats dubiously, "What was it like?"

"There was no Empire," he replies. The whole incident already feels like little more than a dream now – almost like it couldn't have really happened, with how far-fetched it was. "But we didn't know each other."

Hera frowns slightly at that.

"I never knew my parents," Ezra adds, "And I had a padawan braid."

"A braid?" Zeb repeats incredulously. "Now I want to see this."

Sabine snorts. "I can't imagine it either. But... are you sure we never met?"

"I don't know, but I never saw you, or any implications that you may have," he answers, "But either way, we didn't live together as we do now." He can't imagine that. He... can't ignore the part of his mind that thinks he's grateful everything happened as it is now, because he can't imagine living a life other than the one he is right now, with all of them.

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