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-ShinDeku (of course)


Omega (15% population)
-Omegas are either sex toys or get worshiped and cared for. They are allowed to do everything an alpha or beta can do.
-They get their heat every month for 4 days. -In those 4 days, they lose complete control. They never remember what happened in their heat, and all they want is an alpha or Bata if there is no alpha, even if normally they don't want to. After 1 or 2 days of recovery, they still can't control their sent but are aware of their actions again and can refuse alphas again.
-When they have a mate, they will only want them, and in heat, they will not accept another alpha/Beta.
-There are pills that block the sent of an Omega, but in heat, they don't work.

Alpha (20% population)
-alphas are looked up to they are strong and everyone respects them.
-Alphas have ruts every 3 months for 7 days
-some alphas have trained to control themselves in their rut others don't. Alphas do always remember what happened in their rut
-when they have a mate, they will only what their mate
-There are pills that block the sent of an Alhpa, but in rut, they don't work.

Beta (65% population)
-Betas are not treated badly, but they also aren't worshiped
-they are normal people and do not have heat or ruts
-they do have scents, but they are less strong
-they can get marked by alphas and mark omegas

People get their secondary gender at the same time as their quirk.


-Hazashi (president mic)
-Nemuri (midnight)
-recovery girl


-Mr. Compress


Bye bye

Thank you for reading
And I hope you will enjoy the story
Bye Bye

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