💜💚Chapter 16💚💜

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I'm tired.
-Izuku, Shinso, and aizawa

Izuku POV

"Come on, Riri, let's go."

"Okay, hope."

"Great, you lead the way, Riri."

She nodded and started to walk towards her home.

After a while, we made it to her house. I knocked on the door and saw I unknown woman open the door.

I looked at her for a few seconds before walking past her with Riri.

"Excuse me, you can't just walk in without permission."

"Maki, who's at the door." I heard a familiar voice say.

Then I saw Daina look around the corner.

She looked at me and dropped the glass she had in her hand. She then looked at Riri and saw that she had a small bruise on her cheek.

"Omg, Riri, are you okay."

The woman named Maki then saw that Daina seemed to know me and left the room.

"Hope, what happened?" She asked me.

I then explained what had happened. By the end of my explanation, she was crying.

"I'm so so so sorry. It's my fault I should've known better."

"It's not your fault. He's gone know so you won't have to worry anymore."

"Thank you so much."

I smiled, seeing daina hug Riri.

"I have to go know bye."

"Bye," they both said.

I then left to meet up with eraserhaed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Aizawa POV

After I put the guy in jail, I headed back to the spot hope and I would meet.

That kid is strong and has a good heart. It's nice to see there are still good people in this world.

Though the guy that I just put in jail is really pissing me off. How could someone act like that towards the person he promised to love and his daughter.

It's probably the only reason I let hope do what he did to that man.

I arrived at the meeting spot and saw Hope wasn't here yet, so I checked my notifications.

S: Shota / Aizawa
Z: Zashi / Hazashi

Zashi 💛

Z: Hey, sho, how is patrol going

S: it's fine, zashi it's just eventful. How are the kids doing

Z: The kids are fine, Hitoshi has been a bit off at dinner, though

S: In what way off? I'm getting threatened off, or I have school trouble off

Z: More like.....

S: Zashi, answer me

Z: I got a crush off. But I could be wrong, okay? It could also be something like sleep trouble

S: we'll talk more about this when I'm home

Z: Okay, love you, Sho

This man, I swear to God.

"What going on eraserhaed?"

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