Chapter 8 - Heal

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1 month later..

beep——beep——beep. Was the only sound that was heard. That and completely silence. The room had white walls, and two large windows for the last beams of sunset to cover the room. There was a monitor and two chairs in the room. As well a small table next to the hospital bed. A vase with some withering flowers was displayed on the small table.

On the hospital bed was a tall and very wounded owl. He had bandages around his hands and his head covering his left eye and his forehead. But the most concerning part was the massive amount of bandages around his chest. His eyes were closet, and his body was beaten up but healing slowly, even though it has been a month since the accident.

Outside the room sat Cealus and Blitzø, they had been there every night and day. Right now the sun was starting to set as they would usually talk before saying good night to their loves ones and sleep in a guest room in the hospital.


He and Caelus both sat exhausted and tired on the chairs in the hallway outside the rooms. He refused to leave the hospital til Stolas woke up, if he wakes up.

The only person who had been to talk to him was Caelus, but it took some time.

Right after the accident Blitzø was all numb, but also heart broken. He have had many relationships fall apart but this one hurt, this was different some how. Whatever he felt for Stolas made him stay there at the hospital every day.

After what happened Blitz, he wasn't quite the same, all he could think of was Stolas. And he couldn't sleep, every night would be the same nightmare, the same story and ending. The voices became stronger. What if Stolas never woke up aging, what if he was dead?. Then Blitzø would have nothing. He couldn't save him.

Blitzø was completely lost in thought before he woke up by someone snapping at him.

"Blitzø? Hello you there?" Caelus tried to catch Blitzø attention, he suddenly fliched and the owl was taken aback.

"You alright there?" Caelus asked, Blitzø took him for being just a snobby Goetia but he was quite nice considering he had been trying to take care of Blitzø. Asteria was also in the hospital, in a coma but she was alive at least. Caelus never left the hospital either, he also wanted to stay waiting for his wife to wake up.

"Eh- idk- I just- I am worried about him." Blitzø stuttered and turned his gaze at the door to Stolas room. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder and turned back to face Caelus.

"I understand, I am quite worried too. But Stolas is strong, if we are lucky he will wake up soon" Caelus spoke.

After Stolas was shot Caelus knew Stolas was not completely dead, somehow a slight flint was still alive in him. So they decided to take Stolas to a hospital. He have had many surgeries and Blitzø and Caelus was not told anything yet, the nurses and doctors was way too busy trying to save Stolas life and going from surgery til surgery.  Now he was in there, they didn't know if he was dead or alive.

"How about we try to change, the topic?" Caelus suggested. Blitzø nodded and tired his best to not look at Stolas door.

"I hear you have a daughter, Loona am I right? A hell hound" Caelus asked, "yea I do, adopted" a slight smile appeared on Blitzø's face. But he didn't feel happy.

"I have children myself" Caelus said proudly, "you do?" Blitzø was getting interested now, he haven't really heard much of Stolas family or Caelus .

"Yes, I have a son named Atlas who is 17. A daughter named Ezra who is 15 and our little one Celeste who is 11" Caelus smiled, thinking about his children made him happy. He had desperately tried to be a good father to them which he succeeded in. He had a good relationship with his son, but wirh Ezra it was different. She was a teenager after all and tended to push her father away when he really tried. "I think they would get along with Loona"

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