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After Dahlia and I signed the contracts I drove her to the apartment. I've been circling around, for some reason, I can't bring myself to go home. I shouldn't have put that pressure on her.

My phone rings with this gravely annoying tone my sister, Aerylin put as her ringtone. "Yes," I slightly roll my eyes. "Are you okay," I can imagine the way she puts her hand above her hip and tilts her head.

"Yes mom," I dont get how she can always tell. "Okay," with the way she drags the word out I can tell she doesn't believe me. "Was there something you wanted?"

"Um- just wondering if you got me those things from the store you've been out for a while now and Rowan told me you'd be back sooner. I even made us dinner which is probably cold now sitting on the counter. It's your favorite, can Dahlia join," my teeth grit slightly at her question.

"I'll get you the ice cream and pickles Aerylin," my hand quickly clicks the hang up button, doing a u-turn in the middle of the road heading to the store. I almost forgot her things.


It's been a few hours since Estevez dropped me off. There was a heavy tension in the car but I didn't miss the little glances he gave me. I tried going to sleep but for some reason I can't close my eyes, I groan rolling out of the bed in the dark room that I'm still getting used to.

Sebastian tells me I'll get used to it at some point but it's just so... empty. Being alone has never been something I didn't appreciate but it's too quiet, it's almost dreadful I feel like I can hear the air that passes through me.

Something interrupts me from my thoughts, a smell, a smell that my nose isn't foreign to. Blood. I crouch slightly reaching under my nightstand to grab my pistol and dagger. My footsteps lighten. I peek around the wall outside of my room door, doing a scan. I don't see anything.

Instinctively I take an intake of air in and hold my breath to slow the pace in which my heart thumps through my ears. Slowly walking over to the front door I peek through the tiny peephole nothing is in sight but the bright white wall in front of me but I feel something wet at my toes. The dark substance coats the bottom of my foot.

"Fuck," I look down at my foot and thats it. The moment I let my guard down when I felt a firm hand wrapping around my hair causing my neck to strain. My elbow refers back to hitting the person's rib cage twice. "You fucking bitch," the deep voice growls.

Getting a tighter grip on my dagger I swiftly turned the sharp item slicing through the man's skin tight shirt into the spot where my elbow had hit him not too long ago.

"I'd call you the bitch for letting such a little hit catch you off guard," I kicked him back causing him to take a tumble and hit his head against the book shelf that I had ordered the other day. "Look you're getting your fucking blood all over my shelf," he doesn't reply his eyes fluttering his dark blood staining my white shelf.

"Come on don't be dramatic," I nudged at his thick boot, rolling my eyes. How the hell did I not hear him? Those boots could probably crack someone's skull open and shake the room with every step taken in it.

I raise the pistol shooting him directly in the middle of his head. Opening the door and raising the pistol I look towards my left and right, bending to drag the guard that Armando probably assigned to keep guard into the apartment, "Thank you for your service," I lift the name tag off of the guard, "Matteo," giving him a small pat on the chest when I place the tag back on to him.

I slam the door shut, turning on the lights and head to my room to grab my phone. Opening my contacts, my finger lingers over his contact. You have to call him Dahlia. What if he's asleep? I can wait until tomorrow. For this smell to lure the neighbors? You're right.

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