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"I'll be there in a bit," I hear a familiar voice, my eyes blinking open. Estevez must've brought me here yesterday. I turn over to meet Estevez naked back.

"Oh, you're up," Estevez turns to look at me with a small smile while I scratch the top of my head, scrunching my nose.

"Is this your room," I ask the obvious question. I was expecting the room to have darker tones, but it's more of a soft gray vibe, I like it, and he has plants. I wonder if he takes care of them.

"Yes, don't worry, I slept over there," he points at the couch that doesn't look as comfortable as this king-sized bed.

"My sister is here. She would like it if you could eat breakfast with her," he starts to button the long white sleeve, tugging on his collar a bit. I notice how his biceps show through the shirt, and my stomach turns.

I remember his sister, her and Armando are similar to me, but she seems more cheerful than him.

"Okay," nodding, I let out a yawn. "There's a bathroom there. I already put your things in there, but if you aren't comfortable sleeping here, I can get someone to fix up the guest room for you. I just thought-" I raise my hand, "It's okay, Estevez."

This is the best sleep I've had in a while. Last night was a blur. I just remember a dead guard and killing someone, then Armando came.

"Well, I've got to go run some errands with Rowan; if you need anything, ask Aerylin, and you can text me too," he grabs keys from the dresser and puts on his blazer. He looks good, but the door closing snaps me back into reality. I slam my head onto the soft pillow.

I could just bury myself in this bed. A small groan leaves me. My feet are first to leave the bed, meeting a soft carpet. I stretch my arms up, walking to the bathroom.


"Good morning, Dahlia," I hear Aerylins chirpy voice before I see her. When I round the small corner of the staircase, I'm met with a woman who wears a uniform and Aerylin helping her cook something that smells excellent.

"Good Morning, Aerylin," she gives me a small smile, and I look at the shy woman. "Pen, Dahlia. Dahlia, Pen," the lady gives a small smile.

The lady looks about the same age as my mom. I wonder how long she's been with them. My thoughts drift to Daphne, and my shoulders drop a bit.

"Need any help," I look at the two who seem to have already completed most of the work, but I may as well be useful. "Oh no! It's okay. Pen and I got it. You'll be our taste tester," Aerylin clapped her hands together lightly and returned to flipping the pancakes.


"How was I stupid enough to leave her with only one security guard, one fucking guard." I take the shot that Rowan just poured me as I pace around my office, and he sits on the sofa staring. "Would you sit down? You're making my brains hurt," he groans.

"You only have one brain, el tonto," I sat in the seat behind my desk and unlocked the pc in front of me. I need to know how that man got into the building. I go through the files of the building and pull up the recording from that night.

I see the man entering the lobby with all black on and his hood on; you would think someone would find that fucking suspicious, but all my workers obviously can't do their one fucking job. How'd he even get a key card?

I notice how the man doges almost every camera as he enters the elevator; switching over to the elevator cameras, his head still hangs low. This is fucking useless. I aggressively click the mouse and fast-forward to him taking the guard, Matteo, out.

Between Two Hearts 18+ | ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now