Connections and Love

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Davina laughed, breathlessly and exhilarated as she turned around, the dagger clattering from her fingers and heavy on the table. He stared at her, his eyes flicked to the dagger, then to her, and for a horrible moment she thought he'd grab it and run, she'd let him. But in two sure steps, he was in front of her, stooping over her as his mouth crashed onto hers. She gasped in surprise, which he took to deepen the kiss, snaking his arms around her, his hands sliding over her shoulders and to her neck. She shuddered, but kissed him back now, her fingers touching the line of his jaw, which had him emanating a low sound she couldn't identify.

She gasped when he pushed her back, her legs hitting the table, he smiled against her lips as she scrambled a bit to hold onto him. Her arms sliding around his shoulders, as he sent things clattering behind her. Davina smiled when he pushed her onto the table, her back falling onto the hard workshop surface. His mouth was hot, ravenous, and demanding. She didn't know what she was doing, so she struggled to keep up, but she tried her hardest, struggling to kiss him with as much vigor.

Kol pulled away panting, and she kissed his jawline, her fingers slid along the buttons of his shirt and a low chuckle came from his lips.

"Careful, love," he panted.

"I'm done with careful," she whispered hoarsely. She didn't want to live carefully anymore. Kol groaned as he caught her thighs, stepping between her legs as her skirt rose up.

"You're sure?"

"Positive, kiss me," she pleaded.

"Yes ma'am," he chuckled as he came down to kiss her. She was smiling as his hands were suddenly everywhere, trailing over the velvet of her dress, and tugging at the zipper. She pulled at his buttons, clumsily but was pleased when she felt the magic cackling between them. He moaned as she finally pulled his shirt apart. She shuddered feeling the heat of his body, his muscles were hard, but the skin was so soft, and she marvelled at it. He pulled away from her mouth, kissing his way down her jawline.

Her hands slid over his shoulders, he helped her as he pulled off the shirt, tossing it behind him. She giggled at the sound of something crashing, which had him smiling as he kissed along her collar bone, she whimpered a little as her head fell back. The heat, the kisses were igniting lightning beneath her skin, which had her shuddering. There was a sound of something tearing, and a language she didn't recognize. The cool air of the crypt hit her skin and she gasped.

"Hold still love, don't want to cut you," he muttered, she felt the cold tip of gold then slicing off her dress.


"I'll buy you a new one love," he growled the promise, she giggled as he kissed the swell of her breasts.


"Do you want more?" he panted.

"Don't stop," she whispered.

He nodded and sliced her bra away, she moved to cover herself, but he caught her wrists as he pinned them over her head.

"You're beautiful," he murmured.

The heat setting her cheeks aflame had her shuddering as Kol kissed her lips again. She shuddered as calloused hands slid over her ribs then to her breasts, tracing her nipple over then teasing her breast. She whimpered a little at the way her body reacted, it felt good, amazing, she wriggled her hips as she tried to get comfortable. There was a friction between them which had her shuddering, she moaned as it felt like lightning arching through her core, which had her stomach fluttering.

Kol moaned as he pulled away, his head falling forward.

"Fuck... Davina..." he moaned, she rolled her hips again, as she hooked her ankles around his waist. "If you don't stop that love, I'm not going to last..." he panted.

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