Chapter 1

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It'd been two months since she and Kol had had sex, it'd been a month and a half since Kol had been killed, and exactly four days since Marcel had saved her from Eva Sinclair, and now Davina was sitting on the toilet in a grungy bathroom, after having bought a massive thing of orange juice, and four pregnancy tests, and now she didn't know what to do. She was nervously bouncing her heel as she prayed to be wrong; let it be stress, let it be teenage irregularities, let it be cancer, but for the love of God, don't let it be what she feared! She was barely seventeen, and unwed, she didn't want to be a whore, or have a bastard, and she didn't want to deal with Marcel or Josh and worse... she didn't know if she could handle the Mikaelsons, and she just wanted Kol.

The memory of Kol had her eyes burning with unshed tears. Fuck her, what was she going to do!?

She needed, she needed to calm down. She needed to calm down, that's what she needed to do, she needed to get answers in these next few precious minutes and then she would be able to figure out what to do from there. There was an election on Regent, her name was already in the running and she would... she would be Regent, and she'd use her one wish for being Regent to get Kol back and she'd be okay. She would be okay. Kol would be better at knowing what to do, he was better at improvising, and he was... shit, she needed him. Leaning forward, she rested her elbows on her knees as her heel bounced anxiously.

She couldn't be that far along. If she was...

No, she wouldn't think about that.

Thinking about that reminded her how good Kol felt in her, how good he made her feel, how he whispered in Old Norse, how he seemed desperate to merge their magics together when he was in her. Fuck, she really needed to stop thinking about him. But she couldn't, she missed him. Sitting upstraight she hugged herself as she rocked back and forth a bit in a desperate attempt to calm herself. She wanted to go to Marcel, cry about everything going on, but he was determined not to be her dad but rather a Mikaelson, and she needed her dad. Biting her lip, she squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to keep herself calm.

What was she going to do!?

Abortion wasn't a feasible option, she was Catholic and she couldn't condemn the life in her, but it wasn't like she had college degrees, or jobs lining up to accept her! She was a step above homeless, living in a crypt was not an acceptable option for a baby, and she couldn't... she couldn't do this alone! Hell, she didn't even have her GED, and worse, it wasn't like she could just leave New Orleans, she was a New Orleans witch! Where the hell was she supposed to go!? She didn't have family, money, or anything! Well, no that wasn't true.

She had that trust her mémé had set up for her when her mémé had passed, but Davina couldn't access those funds until she was twenty-one, and right now she was only seventeen, jobless, homeless, and an orphan! She could go to Kol's family, but she'd rather eat glass, the assholes had terrorized, harassed, and tried to kill her, and she wasn't a Mikaelson, she wasn't one of their precious siblings, she was Davina Claire, their enemy. Klaus would want to use her child in his sick schemes, and Lord knew Freya would too, she didn't trust a single one of them to have her best interests at heart.

And worse, they had all sorts of enemies attached to the Mikaelson name! If anyone found out she had slept with Kol Mikaelson; even if he hadn't been in his right body, and she was bearing his child, they'd both be dead before she could say 'oui' and that was a fact. Or, and she hadn't completely discarded the idea, or Klaus would tear her child out of her arms after it was born, kill her and raise it in whatever perverted image he had to make her baby his weapon to protect his daughter. That's why the Mikaelsons were doing all of this anyways! To protect Hope Mikaelson!

No, Davina's baby could not be known to them, if she was in fact pregnant.

Dread filled her at the notion of being pregnant. She also knew she couldn't put the baby up for adoption, this child would be of her bloodline and Kol's and it would be a witch and she couldn't dump a witch baby on unsuspecting humans. No, that would just end in tragedy, and it wasn't giving the baby it's best shot at life if it was growing in her.

Her stomach flipped at the idea of being pregnant and she pressed a hand to her stomach to try to calm herself. God, this was a mess, and she'd always been a good girl! She tried to be good, that's all she ever tried to do, and now she was... she wanted to cry at the mere thought. The timer went off and Davina jumped, her magic zapped out all the lights, shattering them over her head as she sat there for a moment, cringing in the darkness before she cracked an eye open. The dank gas station restroom was was illuminated by weak light through a frosted window. Flipping on the cellphone flashlight she looked down at the tests she'd had sitting on the toilet paper dispenser on toilet paper she peered down and her heart dropped to her stomach as the tears escaped her.


She hastily stuffed all of it into the trash as she grabbed her bag, washed her hands and hurried off. She didn't know what she was going to do but she needed to think this through!


Dahlia was unsurprised to feel Esther's poison here, she was unsurprised to feel Freya's poison as well. But it saddened her all the same, there'd been a time she'd have done anything for Freya. But she knew she hadn't done everything correctly by her niece's standards. No one could ever do anything to Freya's ridiculous standards. Eventually everyone disappointed Freya. It was impossible to please the woman she had grown into. Dahlia was well aware of her faults but she was not the monster Freya painted her to be. Dahlia had never raised a hand or harmed the girl in anger or frustration, but rather discipline when discipline was needed; a swat on the bum, or a smack across the mouth for willful disobedience was not abuse. Dahlia had never chained Freya a prisoner or made her a broodmare, nor had she killed Freya's lover or desired a claim over Freya's child how Freya claimed she wanted one.

But rather Dahlia had wanted Mathis to join their coven, she had wanted Freya to have a loving union and healthy child, and the girl out of spite poisoned herself and her child and killed her lover and cried victim when it was done.

Dahlia was not perfect. But Dahlia would never harm a child, and she just wanted a happy family. Which was why it saddened her to feel Esther's blood and to feel the sealed off magic of her line, and to feel Freya's hatred and poison feeding the family.

This was not what she wanted, she just wanted them to come together, she was tired of always being made to suffer because of Esther's poison.


Being dead sucked arse, it was boring, and painful, but today he'd felt a pull to Davina, so he knew he'd been on her mind a lot. Which was how he found her, watching over her as she anxiously sat in a grungy bathroom of a gas station in the middle of the bayou somewhere where no one would find her. Kol was a bit surprised as she sat on the toilet, anxious.

"Well, this is new, normally when you think of me we're in your bedroom," he smirked. She didn't respond, she was biting her lip, worrying it between her teeth and it looked painful. He wanted to kiss her; she was a hell of a kisser, she might have been innocent, but when she kissed him, she was sinful.

A timer went off, startling him from looking at his woman and he looked at what she was looking at and his eyes went wide. Davina looked dreadfully pale then as her eyes were wide and she stared at the sticks she had lined up. Kol quickly read over her shoulder.

"Uh... no, no, this isn't possible, I can't... no... oh... oh fuck, mortal body, Fucking Hells! How Stupid Am I!" he shouted, but he felt his pull to Davina slipping, but he stubbornly hung around her. Fuck! She was fucking pregnant! With His Kid!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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