𝗌𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗇.

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PREVIOUSLY ON ESCAPE THE NIGHT... Joey and his friends find the next artifact, and face off against the man with no name to cleanse it. Teala is slain in the final challenge and Ro returns with a new purpose. However, the group fails to retrieve the Lazaruz coin.

JOEY WALKED OUTSIDE, and left his group in the lounge. Joey ran to the entrance of a church. The church let out a devious noise with blue light shining through the windows.

Rosanna: Joey said he was going to the bathroom, so we're waiting for him but it's been a long time.

Manny: I can just feel the energy of the group is down. What do we even do next?

Colleen: I know if we can open it, something good might happen.

"Hey! Guys! Come here, I need to talk to you, please." Colleen gathered the group, "We're running out of time, and this box is the only thing we know so far that might help us out. We need to figure out how to open this thing and the only clue we have is these coins, the shape, it's the same thing on joey's book bag before we go to this hell hole."

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