>~Part 9~<

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When the rest managed to evacuate Star, Gideon, Zazie and a group of children from Grace Filde and Willow Garden. The queen grabbed Zazi, but I managed to land a few hits on her. It didn't make any impression on her and she knocked him out with one punch. The rest ran to see what was happening to him. Gideon said he'd take care of him and the rest would get the queen away from him. Suddenly, Mujika, Sonju, and Azra appeared. They tried to help us. They managed to handle the riots in the city so they came to them to help kill the queens. As it turned out, Sonju is the son of the former king. They found out that the queen has two cores. They went on the attack. Then all the victims she had devoured appeared. Managed to. The queen is dead. They thanked the demons for everything. However, as they left, Maddie saw her friend Azre kneeling beside Ines's body out of the corner of her eye. She walked over to her and asked if she was okay. Azra told her the whole story of her life. She herself is the sister of Ines and the daughter of Lord Werbin, banished for defying the system. When they finished talking, Maddie hugged her and ran after the others.
When they were fleeing the capital, Star told everyone about Ratri's plan. On the way, they met Gilde, Don, Vex, Catrin, and the girls who had been traveling with Sonju and Mujika-Kore for two years. As they ran to the base they met Vincent and later Oliver and his group. It turned out that the base had been raided and the children had been taken to the main base at Grace Filde. And Estrell is about to be executed for being a descendant of the traitor Ratri-Dorothy, the great-great-aunt of the current head of the hed of the Clan -Peter. They began to devise a plan to save them.

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